- Users take full responsibility for the contents of their own accounts. This responsibility includes keeping accounts free of unwanted or unnecessary files, not exceeding a reasonable amount of disk space, not keeping excessive amounts of data not related to the individuals work, and any desired access restrictions it is your responsibility to keep others out of your account. It is also the users responsibility to notify the Systems Administrator, as quickly as possible, of any loss of data as lengthy delays may result in permanent loss.
- The Mechanical and Industrial Engineering computing facilities are to be used in a courteous fashion. All workstation areas are to be kept clean and free of garbage. There shall be no smoking, eating, or drinking in any of the computer facilities, and as a courtesy to others there should be no unnecessary noise or disruptions. No equipment within MIE computing facilities shall be modified or reconfigured in any way without the express permission of the MIE System Administrators.
- To ensure safety to users and equipment, most of our computer facilities are accessible only through locked coded doors. All users are asked not to give these codes to anyone and not to open the door for anyone else. Anyone permitted access to theses rooms can obtain the code from the System Administrator.
- Users are strictly forbidden to give their login password to anyone or to allow any access whatsoever to their account by anyone other than themselves. An account is to be used ONLY by the person to which it was originally given.
- Users and/or supervisors may be charged for user accounts, computer usage, file storage, and printing. It is the responsibility of the user to obtain and understand the charges that may be incurred before using the system. In cases where charges are to be paid by a student s supervisor, users shall abide by any agreed upon regulations set by that supervisor with regards to computer usage.
- Users agree to use the computer facilities solely for the purpose of completing their assigned work. The computer facilities must be used strictly for University related work only.
- Users agree not to access or copy any data to which they do not have permission from the owner of such data.
- MIE Computing facilities may not be used for propagation of hate literature, harassment, unauthorized access to other systems, email spamming, or deliberate over extension/interferance with the processing resources of a system.
- No equipment shall be attached to the network without the knowledge and permission of the System Administrator. In most cases, the System Administrator shall perform the installation. I understand and agree to follow the above rules and regulations and realize that not following theses guidelines may result in the suspension of my computer access. The Department reserves the right to monitor a user that is suspected of not following these guidelines.