

Decisions are made on a case-by-case basis. Students are not generally permitted to fast track engineering courses by taking them at other universities over the summer.

Interested students should contact the Registrar’s Office, and submit a request for a Letter of Permission.

The Undergraduate Office recently updated the ‘Exchange’ page on MIE’s website. Information about exchange programs, and pre-approved pathways can be found on this page.

Students are also advised to review the Centre for International Experience’s website, and to drop into the Undergraduate Office for additional info.

Courses marked as Extra (EXT) will not count towards the student’s undergraduate degree. Courses marked as EXT can however count towards one’s Minor. The grades will show up on a student’s transcript, but will not count towards their GPA.

To mark a course as Extra, please contact the MIE Undergraduate Office (MC109)

Please visit the ‘Petition’s page of the Registrar’s Office’s website>

Link: http://www.undergrad.engineering.utoronto.ca/Office_of_the_Registrar/Petitions.htm

Capstone Design – An experience in engineering practice through a significant design project whereby student teams meet specific client needs or the requirements of a recognized design competition through a creative, iterative, and open-ended design process. Capstone Design is typically viewed as an undergraduate summative project.

The list provided in the Calendar and the curriculum section of this website consists of pre-approved technical electives. However, fourth-year Mechanical and Industrial students who wish to take an engineering course outside this list are eligible to request *one technical elective substitute per term.*

In order to request the Department’s permission. students are required to submit a Technical Elective Substitute Request Form (available from the Undergraduate Office or on the ‘forms’ section of our website).

The Undergraduate Office will review the content of the course to see whether there is enough technical content, as per the Canadian Engineering Accreditation Board guidelines, to fulfill the technical elective requirements of the curriculum. Once a decision is reached, the student will be informed whether the course qualifies by email. Students are reminded that it is their responsibility to check for course prerequisites or exclusions. Additionally, if the request is approved, students will need to obtain the permission of the department hosting the course.

Complementary studies is broadly defined as studies in humanities, social sciences, arts, management, economics and communication that complement the technical content in the curriculum.

Before you graduate, you will need to complete 2.0 full credits that qualify as Complementary Studies Electives. Of these 2.0 full credits, a minimum of 1.0 credit (one full year course, or two half-year courses) must qualify under the stricter category of Humanities & Social Science (HSS). These requirements can be satisfied by taking two full-year courses (2 x Y1Y), four half-year courses (4 x H1F/S), or some other combination thereof. Lists of acceptable CS and HSS courses are available on the ‘Electives’ section of the Registrar’s Office’s website.

Yes – HSS is a subset of CS, so HSS courses can be used to satisfy CS elective requirements. All HSS courses are CS, but not all CS courses are HSS.

No – courses offered by the Astronomy and Psychology departments are considered science courses, and therefore do not fall under the rubric of the HSS or CS elective requirements. Some of these courses could fill your Natural Science requirement. For confirmation, please consult this webpage:


Yes – please submit a request on the Electives page of the Registrar’s Office’s website.

Your elective selection is a matter of personal choice: one student may excel in a particular course while another student does poorly.

Ideally, you will be able to choose an elective in a subject that interests you, but if scheduling conflicts or enrolment caps interfere with your top choices, you should keep in mind that your ultimate priority is enrolling in a course that a) does not conflict with your core schedule and b) satisfies your degree requirements. You may have to broaden your search for an appropriate elective course to subjects that you did not initially consider in order to find a course that has space and works with your existing schedule.

The Arts and Science Calendar and Timetable can be found off the following website: http://www.artsci.utoronto.ca/current/undergraduate/course.

Please note that not all courses listed in the A&S Calendar are offered every year (there is a list of Arts and Science courses not offered in the Timetable.)

Yes – so long as you meet the prerequisites (if any) that are listed in the Arts and Science calendar.

You can begin adding Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering CS/HSS electives and Arts and Science courses using ROSI starting early to mid-August (the date to the current year can be found on the ‘Sessional Dates’ section of the APSC Academic Calendar). For course descriptions and course schedules of Arts and Science courses, see the course section of the Arts & Science website.

Yes – you can complete a self-initiated minor provided you meet the requirements from the Arts and Science department that is offering the minor. Students pursuing a self-initiated Arts and Science minor must be especially careful to ensure that they are completing their engineering program requirements as well.

Yes, long as a University of Toronto professor is willing to supervise you, and content lines up with your program of study.

Course and Option Selection (COS) is designed for students heading into their third and fourth years of study. COS refers to a period in the Winter term where the Registrar’s Office collects data on students’ course preferences for the upcoming academic year. Students are guaranteed a space in the courses they choose during COS (i.e. stream selections, technical and natural science electives). If you change your mind regarding your course selection after COS has closed, you will be able to adjust your schedule yourself via ROSI once the course enrolment window opens up. Please note that course selection on ROSI is subject to space availability and scheduling constraints. If you choose to make adjustments to your schedule, please ensure you are adhering to your degree requirements as outlined in the Academic Calendar.

You will have to add your courses yourself through ROSI once enrolment (for engineering courses) opens in late-July (consult the Sessional Dates of the current year’s Academic Calendar for the exact date). Please note that course enrolment on ROSI is subject to availability. We highly suggest you try and enrol in courses as soon as the window opens up.

If you are unable to add a course or courses that you are required to take to fulfill your degree requirements, please contact the MIE Undergraduate Office for assistance.

Waiting lists enable you to “line up” for a space that might become available in a lecture section that is full. If a space becomes available (and you are next on the waiting list), you will automatically be enrolled.

For additional information, please visit: http://www.artsci.utoronto.ca/current/course/timetable/1314_fw/waiting-lists

The Department is not able to schedule all fourth-year courses without conflict. Students may request enrolment in two conflicting courses, as long as the conflict is minimal. The Undergraduate Office will review each request, and decisions are made on a case-by-case basis.

Engineering courses are not offered in the summer. However, you could take Arts & Science courses and use it to fulfill your HSS/CS electives. Please bear in mind that to be eligible to graduate with honours, students are required to keep a full course load during each year (i.e. 5 courses each term – with the exception of fourth year where students can take 4 courses in one term so long as they have 5 in the other). Please also consider that there are additional costs associated with taking courses in the summer session as summer courses are not covered by your annual program fees.

If you need to repeat a failed course, you must complete a course Add/Drop Form and submit it to the Undergraduate Office. ROSI will not allow you to enrol in a course you have already taken.

You must enrol in a failed course in the next available session.

For Honours standing:

In sessions 1F, 1W, 2F, 2W and 3F or 3W, Honours standing in the work of session is granted to students carrying a full academic load (2.50 credits per session), if the session is not being repeated and if the weighted Session Average is 80% or greater. Note that extra (EXT) courses are not included in the academic load. During fourth year, a student may reduce their course load in either 4F or 4W (but not both) and be eligible for Honours Standing if the session is not being repeated and if the weighted Session Average is 80% or greater.

To graduate with Honours:

To obtain Honours upon graduation a full-time student must achieve a cumulative average across years 2, 3 and 4 of between 79.5% and 87.49% and a weighted sessional fourth year average of 74.5% or higher, excluding any required first year courses, repeated courses and courses marked as “Extra.”

To obtain High Honours upon graduation a full-time student must achieve a cumulative average across years 2, 3 and 4 of 87.5% or higher, excluding any required first year courses, repeated courses and courses marked as “Extra.”

A detailed explanation of academic standing (clear status, probation, repeat probation) and promotion regulations is available on p 84-89 of the Academic Calendar.

No – so long as you submit your report to the PEY Office, and it is accepted, the PEY Office will include you in the list of students who successfully completed their PEY term that is sent to our office. Students have to completed either PEY or the Practical Experience Requirement, not both.

You will need to contact the Office of the Registrar for this service; a small fee applies.

All questions regarding fees and tuition deadlines should be directed to the Registrar’s Office or the Office of Student Accounts.

Mechanical Engineering

Students are required to include at least one of the engineering design courses marked with an asterix (*) during the fourth year. It may be taken in either 4F or 4W.

No – at an undergraduate level students are provided with a general background and a basic skill set. As a result, graduates will be qualified to work in most mechanical engineering fields. In deciding which stream to pursue, students are urged to make their selection based on their interests – students typically perform more strongly in an area of study that they are interested in.

Students can request to switch streams by coming into the MIE Undergraduate Office. In all cases, students must fulfill the requirements of two streams. Thus, students may be required to take an additional course in 4F.