

What is capstone?

An experience in engineering practice through a significant design project whereby student teams meet specific client needs through a creative, iterative, and open-ended design process. Capstone Design (MIE490/MIE491) is taken in the fourth year of study for both fall and winter sessions.

The project must include:

  1. The application of disciplinary knowledge and skills to conduct engineering analysis and design.
  2. The demonstration of engineering judgment in integrating economic, health, safety, environmental, social or other pertinent interdisciplinary factors.
  3. Elements of teamwork, project management and Client interaction.
  4. A demonstration of proof of the design concept.

MIE Capstone Design Projects: 2020-2021: A collection of this year's MIE fourth-year students' innovative solutions to real-world problems.

Unique characteristics of capstone

  • No new content (i.e., no class meetings)
  • All work completed in a team
  • Long periods of independent work
  • Regular meetings with Supervisor
  • Industry client plays an active role
  • Emphasis on technical and non-technical graduate attributes (including communication)

Types of capstone projects


  • Sourced by Capstone Coordinators and Faculty Supervisors
  • Supervised by a single MIE faculty member
  • Matched to students in mid-August


  • Sourced by students through PEY, ESIP employer or other industry contact
  • Supervised by a single MIE faculty member
  • Can be matched to students before August
  • Sourcing student may form his/her own team and request a Supervisor


  • Sourced by MCP Coordinator (Kamran Behdinan) and capstone coordinators across faculty
  • Require 3-5 team members from at least two disciplines
  • Supervised by a single APSc faulty member with disciplinary subject-matter experts
  • Have an accelerated self-selection and matching process
  • May require a competitive interview


  • Sourced by International Capstone coordinator (Kamran Behdinan)
  • University partners from Peking and Shanghai Jiao Tong Universities
  • Require a competitive interview
  • Follow a modified deliverable schedule
  • Check your U of T e-mail regularly, starting in mid-August

Information and contact

Blackboard Capstone Organization site

Portal: Community: Browse Blackboard Catalog:
Enter “MIE 490” or “MIE 491”

Contact Email: []

Capstone Coordinators

MIE491 (MEC): Prof. Behdinan []

MIE490 (IND): Prof. Aleman []