Forms & Policies
Please visit the SGS website for a full list of forms, including the following:
- Leave of Absence
- Program Transfer
- Confirmation of Registration
- Transfer Credit and/or Exemption
- Letter Confirming Degree Requirements
Business Cards
Students are responsible for keeping all contact information (mailing/permanent/e-mail addresses, telephone numbers) updated on ACORN/ROSI. Students must maintain a valid University of Toronto issued ( or e-mail address that is recorded on ACORN/ROSI for all departmental and university official correspondence. All students should read the Policy on Official Correspondence with Students.
Students are expected to maintain good academic standing throughout the graduate studies. Otherwise, the graduate office may recommend to the School of Graduate Studies for termination of registration and impose various sanctions such as limited access to financial support.
PhD students:
(1) maintain the average grade at A- or above at all times,
(2) receive no FZ,
(3) successfully pass the qualifying examination within the first 14 months after registration,
(4) successfully pass progress meetings annually since the successful qualifying examination.
More detail on Maintaining Good Academic Standing for the PhD program
MASc students:
(1) maintain the average grade at B+ or above at all time,
(2) receive no more than one FZ
MEng students:
(1) receive no more than one FZ.
Leave of Absence
If students require a leave of absence from their graduate program, please see the policy on the SGS website.
If students require a leave of absence from their graduate program, please see the policy on the SGS website.
Students who miss a mid-term test or final examination for unforeseen reasons must notify the course instructor within 24 hours of the scheduled test/exam. If the course instructor is not notified within this time frame, the student may receive a grade of zero for that test/exam. A student may defer a final exam for the following reasons: (i) documented medical grounds, and (ii) documented compassionate grounds. Students who submit a missed exam report based on medical grounds are required to use the The Verification of Student Illness or Injury. Students who write a scheduled exam will not be allowed to request an alternative assessment or special consideration in marking after the fact.Students who become ill at an exam must notify the instructor immediately. Students cannot do this at the end of the exam or just before the exam ends. Students must seek medical attention immediately. Students may then request, through their Graduate Studies Office, for another opportunity to write the exam, and must provide The Verification of Student Illness or Injury to support their petition. Having once abandoned an exam, a student should be aware that consideration may not be given again for the same circumstances.
Honesty and fairness are considered fundamental values shared by students, staff and faculty at the University of Toronto.
The University’s policies and procedures that deal with cases of cheating, plagiarism and other forms of academic misconduct, are designed to protect the integrity of the institution and to maintain a community where competition is fair.
As a result, U of T treats cases of academic misconduct very seriously. If it has been alleged you committed an academic offence, you will find that the allegation is dealt with formally and seriously, and the penalties can be severe if it is determined that you did cheat.
Copying assignments and/or exams is a serious infraction and could lead to suspension. Please refer to the SGS Academic Integrity Resource page for more information.
Regarding plagiarism, it is against the rules to buy essays or copy chunks from your friend’s homework. It is also plagiarism to borrow passages from books or articles or Web sites without identifying them. Please review U of T’s Writing Advice page on How Not to Plagiarize to ensure your work falls under the appropriate guidelines.
All of the policies and procedures surrounding academic offences are dealt within one policy: The Code of Behaviour on Academic Matters.
The Academic Integrity Handbook can help inform and prepare you for a successful university career free from academic misconduct.
In the event of an academic or administrative grievance related to MIE Graduate Studies, a student should first speak with their supervisor or the instructor of a course, as appropriate. If no resolution can be found, then the student should consult the MIE Graduate Studies Coordinator, who may advise that the student submit a formal appeal to the MIE Graduate Department Academic Appeals Committee (GDAAC).The graduate academic appeals process is described in detail in the SGS calendar.
The University also runs two offices to protect the rights of individuals. These are:
In order for a student to remain in their program, they must be fully registered as a student. Please follow the steps in the link in order to register.
Recognizing the importance of a positive relationship between the research student and the supervisor, the School of Graduate Studies (SGS) has released a document which describes best practices that can contribute to a rewarding and successful thesis experience.Reading the document before your studies begin is highly encouraged.
Click here to access the guide.
Prior to enrolling in courses, students should consult their course selection with their supervisor and review their program degree requirements.
Adding Courses:
Students must be invited to register or registered in order to enroll in courses. Students must use ACORN to enroll in courses. Both courses for Fall and Winter terms can be added.
- Students who are enrolling in non-MIE courses outside of the department, must submit a course add form to the graduate office in person or via email.
- The form must have the signature of your supervisor on it.
- Please submit this form at least 3 business days before the course add deadline to add courses.
Reading Courses:
Two forms must be submitted the graduate office:
- Course add form with supervisor signature
- Request for Request for Reading and/or Research Course form which needs to be filled out by supervisor and signed
Reading Courses must be assigned by your supervisor prior enrolment.
Dropping Courses:
To drop a course – students must use ACORN/ROSI.
Prior dropping their course, students should review their degree requirements and speak with their supervisor.
A course drop form must be submitted to the graduate office in person or via email with the students’ supervisors’ signature.
Important Notes concerning JDE1000H “Ethics in Research” Seminar:
M.A.Sc. students must use ACORN to enrol in JDE1000H in their first session of registration.
Ph.D. students who have not attended JDE1000H in a previous University of Toronto Master’s degree must use ACORN to enrol in JDE1000H in their first session of registration.
JDE1000H is typically offered once in the Fall session and once in the Winter session. Students will be notified via e-mail when the date and time are released; it is normal for the schedule to be released in the latter half of the session.
Course Enrolment Instructions for MEng Students
Prior enrolling in courses, students should keep in mind their course enrolment limit and degree requirements: Full-Time, Extended Full-Time, Part-Time
Please ensure that you are aware of the drop and add deadlines.
Adding Courses:
Students must be invited to register or registered in order to enroll in courses. Students must use ACORN to enroll in courses. Both courses for Fall and Winter terms can be added.
Adding Engineering non-MIE courses: most engineering courses at the graduate level can simply be added on ACORN
Adding non-Engineering non-MIE courses
For courses from other departments not listed here, please submit an email to with your request stating the reason why you wish to take the course and how it fits with your career goals. Your request will be reviewed.
MEng Project
Two forms must be submitted the graduate office:
- Course enrolment form with supervisor signature
- Request for Request for Reading and/or Research Course form which needs to be signed by the student and supervisor. Section 3 must be filled out by the supervisor.
For more information on MEng projects please see here.
Dropping Courses:
To drop a course – students must use ACORN.
Prior dropping their course, students should review their degree requirements.
For a comprehensive list of policies and procedures, please refer to the SGS Policies and Guidelines website.