In recent years, the healthcare industry has discovered that engineers can positively impact the efficiency and effectiveness of the healthcare system, in areas such as reducing wait times and improving scheduling, improving access to information, and contributing to better planning for the future. In response, the Department of MIE has created this Certificate in Healthcare Engineering to prepare engineers to work in the healthcare industry.
*Update: August 4, 2015: The course requirements for the Healthcare Engineering Certificate has now been updated. MEng students who have started working towards their Healthcare Engineering Certificate before September 2015 start period have the choice to complete their certificate requirements based on the previous requirements or they can choose to complete the new requirements listed below.
Students are also urged to pursue a project through the Centre for Healthcare Engineering (CHE), or via a summer internship in a healthcare setting. However, a project is not a certificate requirement and students may instead take any other three courses to meet the requirements of the M.Eng. program.
Completing the Healthcare Engineering Certificate will also complete your MEng course requirements.
Required Courses
A student must take all of the following (3 courses):
MIE561 | Healthcare Systems |
MIE1623 | Methods in Healthcare Engineering (formerly MIE1699) |
APS1001 | Project Management |
Elective Courses
A student must pick seven courses from the following list of courses OR enroll in a project or internship at a health organization and pick 4 courses from the following list instead. (7 elective courses OR 4 elective courses + 1 project**)
If a student wishes to receive credit for an healthcare-related course not on this list to be used towards the Healthcare Engineering Certificate, please contact CHE to gain permission prior enrolment.
**A project is equivalent to 3 courses (More information on project/internship option)
MIE562 | Scheduling |
MIE566 | Decision Analysis |
MIE1402 | Experimental Methods in Human Factors Research |
MIE1407 | Engineering Psychology and Human Performance |
MIE1411 | Design of Work Places |
MIE1413 | Statistical Models in Empirical Research |
MIE1415 | Analysis and Design of Cognitive Work |
MIE1501 | Knowledge Modelling and Management |
MIE1512 | Research Topics in XML Retrieval |
MIE1605 | Stochastic Processes |
MIE1606 | Queuing Theory |
MIE1613 | Discrete Event Simulation |
MIE1616 | Research Topics in Healthcare Engineering |
MIE1620 | Linear Programming and Network Flows |
APS1017 | Supply Chain Management and Logistics |
A selection of courses offered outside the Faculty of Applied Science & Engineering could also be considered for completing the MEng Certificate in Healthcare Engineering. Please follow the instructions with this list of courses to ensure that they are recognised for your program to obtain the Certificate.