MEng Certificate in Energy Studies

The MEng Certificate in Energy Studies is no longer offered beyond August 2016. For those interested in specializing in Energy, please see the Emphasis in Sustainable Energy Certificate: Sustainable Energy

Issues of energy production and consumption, and the associated environmental impacts, are near the top of many lists of global challenges for the 21st century. Engineers have both the responsibility and the expertise to contribute to developing strategies and solutions to address societal needs and concerns. For this reason, the Department of MIE created this Certificate in Energy Studies, to provide graduate engineers a framework on which to further develop expertise both in traditional energy sources, as well as alternative and low-carbon energy systems.


To earn an MEng Certificate in Energy Studies, a student must take three required courses and then three more from a list of electives, or one more elective course and pursue an MEng project on a topic related to energy.

For each required course already taken as an undergraduate student, an MEng student must replace the completed course with an additional elective course.

Core Courses

A student must take three of the following:

MIE515 Alternative Energy Systems
MIE516 Combustion and Fuels
MIE1120 Current Energy Infrastructure and Resources

Elective Courses

A student must take three elective courses from the following list, or one elective course and pursue an MEng project on a topic related to energy. If a student wishes to receive credit for an energy-related course not on this list, permission to take the course towards the requirements of this certificate program must be requested of the MIE Graduate Coordinator prior to enrolling in the course.

MIE517 Fuel Cell Systems
MIE1101 Advanced Classical Thermodynamics
MIE1111 Conduction Heat Transfer
MIE1115 Heat Transfer with Phase Change
MIE1118 Partially Ionized Gases
MIE1122 Combustion Engine Processes
MIE1123 Fundamentals of Combustion
MIE1128 Materials for Clean Energy Technologies
MIE1129 Nuclear Engineering I
MIE1130 Nuclear Engineering II
MIE1132 Heat Exchanger Design
MIE1201 Advanced Fluid Mechanics I
MIE1207 Structure of Turbulent Flows
MIE1210 Computational Fluid Mechanics and Heat Transfer
MIE1212 Convective Heat and Mass Transfer
MIE1240 Wind Power
AER507 Introduction to Fusion Energy
AER510 Aerospace Propulsion
AER1301 Kinetic Theory of Gases
CHE553 Electrochemistry
CHE1118 Industrial Catalysis
CHE1143 Transport Phenomena
CHE1146 Applied Transport Phenomena
CIV576 Sustainable Buildings