June 11, 2019 – On May 27, 2019 Professor Javad Mostaghimi was inducted into the American Society of Metals Thermal Spray Hall of Fame. Mostaghimi was recognized for “pioneering the modelling of impact, spreading, splashing, and solidification of molten droplets in thermal spray that represent the most basic formation processes of coatings.” He was presented his plaque by Professor Andre G. McDonald from the University of Alberta at the ceremony in Yokohama, Japan.
Mostaghimi received his Bachelor of Science degree from Sharif University in Iran in 1974. He then went on to earn a Master of Science and PhD in Mechanical Engineering at the University of Minnesota. He worked at Pratt & Whitney Canada before joining the University of Toronto in 1990.
He is currently a Professor in the Department of Mechanical & Industrial Engineering and is the Director of the Centre for Advanced Coating Technologies. His main research areas are
the study of thermal spray coatings (including superhydrophobic coatings), thermal barriers, corrosion and wear resistant coatings.
This induction into the Thermal Spray Hall of Fame is the latest award Mostaghimi has received in recognition of his research. He is also the recipient of the Medal of the ASME Heat Transfer Division, the 2013 Robert W. Angus Medal of the CSME, 2012 Heat Transfer Memorial Award of the ASME, 2011 Jules Stachiewicz Medal of the CSME, 2010 NSERC Brockhouse Canada Prize and the 2009 Engineering Medal in R & D from the Professional Engineers of Ontario.