Prof. Aimy Bazylak receives Helmholtz International Fellow Award

Professor Aimy Bazylak is one of five outstanding researchers to be recognized with the Helmholtz International Fellow Award. This award, established by the Helmholtz Association of German Research Centres, recognizes researchers who have excelled in their work in Helmholtz-relevant areas and already have an ongoing cooperation with at least one of the Helmholtz Centers. The aim of the award is to continue to strengthen collaborations between the world’s best researchers.

Prof. Bazylak was nominated by the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) to receive this prestigious award for her work in sustainable energy. Bazylak’s research is focused on fuel cells, hydrogen generation, carbon dioxide reduction, and batteries through the design of microscale and nanoscale porous materials for custom heat and mass transfer, high surface areas, thermal storage, and multiphase transport. She examines the interplay between solids, liquids, and gases within porous materials to advance the state-of-the-art in electrochemical energy conversion.

“I’ve developed strong collaborations with the researchers at the Helmholtz Association across Germany,” said Bazylak, “and in particular with Dr. Roswitha Zeis at the Helmholtz Institute of Ulm (HIU) and the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), who specializes in high temperature fuel cells and redox flow batteries.”

As a Helmholtz International Fellow, Prof. Bazylak will receive €20,000 of research funding and have the opportunity to pursue her research at one or more of the Helmholtz Centres. The award will be used to further more research with her German collaborators in the area of clean energy.

-Published August 5, 2020 by Lynsey Mellon,