David Sinton


Professor, Mechanical Engineering
Canada Research Chair
Academic Director, Climate Positive Energy

Email: dave.sinton@utoronto.ca
Tel: 416-978-1623
Office: MC226
Research Group: Sinton Lab – Fluidics & Energy

Research Area


Research Interests

Energy; fluids; carbon capture and conversion; electrocatalysis; microfluidics; CO2


David Sinton is a Professor in the Department of Mechanical & Industrial Engineering at the University of Toronto, and the Canada Research Chair in Energy and Fluids. He is the Academic Director of the Climate Positive Energy Initiative, and Director of the CANSTOREnergy NFRF-T research program.  Prior to joining the University of Toronto, Dr. Sinton was an Associate Professor and Canada Research Chair at the University of Victoria, and a Visiting Associate Professor at Cornell University. He received a BASc from the University of Toronto, MEng from McGill University and his PhD from the University of Toronto. The Sinton group develops fluid systems for applications in energy. The group is application-driven and is currently developing fluid systems for CO2 capture and conversion and to develop energy efficient industrial working fluids. He is a co-founder of CERT Systems Inc —converting CO2 into products— and of Interface Fluidics Ltd —performing industrial fluid testing. Dr. Sinton was selected to be an NSERC E.W.R. Steacie Memorial Fellow in 2016. He is also a Fellow of the Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Engineering Institute of Canada, American Association for the Advancement of Science, Canadian Academy of Engineering, and Royal Society of Canada.