Javad Mostaghimi receives CSME Emerging Technologies Medal

The Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering (CSME) has announced the recipients of the 2023 Technical Awards. The Technical Awards honour society members for outstanding contributions to specific disciplines of mechanical engineering in Canada. Professor Javad Mostaghimi is the recipient of the 2023 Emerging Technologies Medal. The award is bestowed upon a member who demonstrates “exceptional research and innovation contributions to the field of thermal plasma in Canada”.

Professor Mostaghimi is a Mechanical Engieering professor and the founding director of the Centre for Advanced Coating Technologies (CACT). He received his BSc degree from Sharif University, Iran and MSc and PhD degrees in mechanical engineering from the University of Minnesota in 1978 and 1982, respectively. Before joining the University of Toronto, he held positions at Pratt & Whitney Canada and the University of Sherbrooke.

His main research interests are in plasma processing and thermal spray coating. Professor Mostaghimi is a fellow of the Royal Society of Canada and 7 other societies and the recipient of many awards, including the NSERC Brockhouse Canada Prize and the Heat Transfer Memorial Award of the ASME. He is an inductee of the ASM Thermal Spray Hall of Fame.

He is also a member of the editorial board of Plasma Chemistry and Plasma Processing and the International Review Board of the Journal of Thermal Spray.

The CSME awards will be presented at the 2023 CSME International Congress taking place from May 28-31, 2023 at the University of Sherbrooke in Quebec. Professor Mostaghimi will deliver a plenary lecture at the congress along with the other Technical Award recipients.

View the CSME news release.