Five MIE professors receive promotions this summer

Congratulations to Birsen Donmez, Roy Kwon and Lidan You on their recent promotion to Professor. The Department is also celebrating Amy Bilton and Eric Diller for receiving tenure and being promoted to Associate Professor.

Professor Birsen Donmez joined the Department of Mechanical & Industrial Engineering in January 2010. Her research interests are centered on understanding and improving human behavior and performance in multi-task and complex situations, using a wide range of analytical techniques. In particular, her research focuses on operator attention in multitask activities, decision support under uncertainty, and human automation interaction, with applications in various domains including surface transportation, healthcare, mining, and unmanned vehicle operations. She has served on multiple committees of the Transportation Research Board of the National Academies, as an associate editor for IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems, and as the General Chair for AutomotiveUI’18.
  Roy H. Kwon is a professor in the Department of Mechanical & Industrial Engineering and is also a member of the faculty in the Masters of Mathematical Finance (MMF) Program at U of T. His research focuses on financial engineering (portfolio optimization, asset allocation, risk management, and option pricing) and supply chain management (logistics and production control). Dr. Kwon has published articles in such journals as Management Science, Naval Research Logistics, the European Journal of Operational Research, and Operations Research Letters, among others. In addition, he has worked and consulted in the use of operations research (optimization) for the military, financial, and service sectors.
  Dr. Lidan You holds cross-appointments in the Department of Mechanical & Industrial Engineering (MIE) and the Institute of Biomaterials and Biomedical Engineering (IBBME). She is the director of Cellular Biomechanics Laboratory at U of T. Her research is focused on solving biomechanical questions in muscular skeletal system at the cellular level.In specific, her team is working on the anti-resorptive effect of mechanical loading on bone tissue; pressure effect on bone cell mechanotransduction; osteogenic potential of high frequency low magnitude vibration on bone adaptation; angiogenesis involvement in initiation of bone resorption under disuse condition; the advanced microfluidic system for bone cell mechanotransduction study; the role of focal adhesion assembly in cell mechanosensitivity using micropatterned surface; and the development of advanced artificial bone matrix by employing novel microfabrication technologies.
  Amy Bilton joined the Department of Mechanical & Industrial Engineering as an Assistant Professor in January 2014. Dr. Bilton’s research lies at the intersection of developing theoretical design and control techniques and developing new physical electromechanical systems. Applications of her research include water purification systems, desalination systems, and renewable energy. Her current work is focused on deployment of a newly developed solar-powered water purification system in the developing world.
Dr. Eric Diller joined the Department of Mechanical & Industrial Engineering in January 2014 as an Assistant Professor. His work is enabling a new approach to non-invasive medical procedures, micro-factories and scientific tools. He does this by shrinking the mechanical and electrical components of robots to centimeter, millimeter or even micrometer size. He uses magnetic fields and other smart-material actuation methods to make mobile functional devices. Dr. Diller envisions a future where drug delivery and surgery can be done in a fast, painless and focused way, and where new materials and devices can be manufactured using swarms of tiny gripping, cutting, and sensing wireless robots.

-Published August 7, 2020 by Lynsey Mellon,