A. Wilhelm Neumann


Professor Emeritus, Mechanical Engineering

Email: neumann@mie.utoronto.ca

Research Group: Applied Surface Thermodynamics (LAST) Laboratory

Research Areas


Research Interests

Thermodynamics of contact angles, wetting and adhesion generalization of the classical theory of capillarity to high curvature situations; Applications of Digital Image Analysis and Processing to interfacial tension and other surface science problems; Modelling of cell and protein adhesion to synthetic and natural biomaterials; Applications of surface thermodynamics to biotechnological problems.


Dr. Neumann has received his Dr.rer.nat in Chemical Physics, at University of Mainz, Germany in 1962, his habilitation in Physical Chemistry of Surfaces, at University of Stuttgart, Germany, 1972. He is currently Professor Emeritus of the Department of Mechanical & Industrial Engineering, University of Toronto.

During his career he has produced approximately 450 publications. His research interests include: Fundamental surface thermodynamic studies from both experimental and theoretical points of view, including: contact angle phenomena and surface energetic; Development of novel methodologies in applied surface thermodynamics: Application of image analysis and computer-aided techniques in measurements of surface thermodynamic properties such as surface tension, contact angle, and line tension; Applications of thermodynamics to process of biomedical relevance: Novel methodology for the energetic characterization of biosurfaces, most recently in lung physiology, specifically the role and function of lung surfactants.