Susan McCahan

PhD, P.Eng.

Professor, Mechanical Engineering
Vice-Provost, Academic Programs
Vice-Provost, Innovations in Undergraduate Education

Tel: 416-978-0490
Office: Room 106, 65 St. George Street
Research Group: Engineering Learning Environment Design Group


Susan McCahan is the Vice Provost, Innovations in Undergraduate Education and Vice Provost, Academic Programs at the University of Toronto. She joined the Department of Mechanical & Industrial Engineering at Toronto in 1992. She is a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science in recognition of contributions to engineering education has been the recipient of several major teaching awards including the 3M National Teaching Fellowship and the Medal of Distinction in Engineering Education from Engineers Canada. She has developed and taught courses on energy systems, heat transfer, and design and she is the lead author of an introductory textbook on engineering design.  Her current research focuses Engineering Education Research.  Professor McCahan’s work focuses on the engineering learning environment as a designed system.  In particular, she is currently working in the areas of assessment and educational technology.