Health & Safety

This page is for students and staff of the Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering (MIE) at the University of Toronto.

Emergency Contacts

For emergencies call 911, then Campus Police at 416-978-2222

For chemical spills, that you are not sure you can clean safely, call 416-978-7000

Accident/incident reporting page.

Safety Training

All students and staff are required to complete the MIE department’s safety awareness training.

View the Safety Training Manual.

Additional health and safety information and training can be found at the University of Toronto Environmental Health and Safety website.

The site include a training matrix that helps students and staff select safety training courses related to the type of potential hazards in their research lab or workspace.

Responsibilities of MIE Faculty, Instructors, and Supervisors of Administrative and Technical Staff

Academic Supervisors are responsible for the safety of all students and researchers working under their supervision. They are responsible for ensuring that all of their students and researchers have received appropriate safety training for any potential hazards.

Course Instructors are responsible for the safety of all Teaching Assistants and students in their course laboratories. They must ensure that the Teaching Assistants have received appropriate safety training with regard to hazards in these laboratories, and that students are supervised at all times when working in a laboratory environment.

Supervisors of Administrative and Technical Staff are responsible for the safety of all full-time and temporary staff working under your supervision. They are responsible for ensuring that all staff receive appropriate safety training for any potential hazards particular to their work environment.

In the event of an accident or injury involving an untrained student or staff, a supervisor may be found liable under the Federal Occupational Health and Safety Act.

Joint Health & Safety Committee

The University of Toronto is responsible under the Ontario Occupational Health and Safety Act for establishing and maintaining joint health and safety committees in the workplace. These committees, consisting of representatives of workers and management, serve to provide consultation and meaningful input from employees in matters relating to health and safety.

Committee Members:

  • Joe Baptista, co-chair
    Email: | Tel: 416-946-5516 | Office: MC324
  • Tony Ruberto, co-chair
    Email: | Tel: 416-978-0760 | Office: MC402A
  • Andrey Shukalyuk
  • Osmond Sargeant
  • Sandra Borges
  • Prof. Patrick Lee
  • Tom Bernreiter
  • Ryan Mendell
  • Zahra Mirzaei-Aliabadi
  • Maria Miranda
  • Issac Liu

First Aid Boxes

First aid boxes are distributed throughout the Mechanical Engineering, Mining, Haultain, and Rosebrugh buildings. All research and undergraduate labs have first aid boxes. A first aid station is located at Mechanical Building, room MC121

Safety Forms


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