Tuesday, September 20, 2022
Room 2135, Bahen Centre
40 St. George Street
Speaker: Prof. Li Shu, PhD, P.Eng.
Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Toronto
Title: Overview of Collaborative Specialization in Psychology, Psychiatry and Engineering (PsychEng)
Please register at the following link to help us plan: https://shulab.mie.utoronto.ca/events/psycheng-rsvp-2022sept20-shu-mie/
Abstract: I will provide an overview of the graduate-level Collaborative Specialization in Psychology, Psychiatry and Engineering (PsychEng), including research in my laboratory that involved PsychEng collaborations.
Biography: At the University of Toronto, Li Shu is a Professor of Mechanical Engineering, the Wallace G Chalmers Chair of Engineering Design, and the Director of Collaborative Specialization in Psychology, Psychiatry and Engineering (PsychEng). While and after obtaining graduate degrees (SM, PhD) from MIT in Mechanical Engineering, Dr. Shu has spent research stays at Naval Ocean Systems Center (US), Naval Training Systems Center (US), Eastman Kodak Company (US), AlliedSignal Aerospace Canada, the Technical University of Denmark, and the Hanse-Wissenschaftskolleg (Germany).
Registration link above