MIE Distinguished Seminar Series: Hybrid aerosol deposition – development of new ceramic coating process between thermal spray and aerosol deposition

Friday, March 9, 2018

Mechanical Engineering Building, MC102
5 King's College Road

Speaker: Kentaro Shinoda
Affiliation: National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), Tsukuba, Japan


Ceramic coatings can give and significantly enhance the surface functionality of substrate materials such as hardness, wear resistance, thermal insulation, and corrosion resistance. They have been widely used in electronic, automobile, and aerospace industry, and also expanded to energy and medical applications. The market of ceramic coating industry was reportedly 6.1 billion dollars in 2016 and will reach 9.1 billion dollars in 2020. A traditional route to fabricate advanced ceramic coatings is thermal plasma spraying, in which injected ceramic powder is melted and sprayed onto a substrate by thermal plasmas. Integration of pancake-shaped splats gives unique properties such as nonlinear elastic properties and anisotropic functional properties. Meanwhile, a non-melt deposition process of ceramics is also reported in contrast to melt thermal spray technology. This process is called an aerosol deposition, in which dense fine ceramic coatings can be obtained simply by impaction of solid fine particles without melting. This process is now used in semiconducting manufacturing industry. As a new challenge, we have proposed a hybrid process of these two processes, named a hybrid aerosol deposition. In this process, the use of mesoplasma flow, which is a transitional state from thermal plasma to low-pressure plasma, is the key to the deposition. The introduction of mesoplasma flow enhances the capability of three-dimensional coverage and is useful to support additive manufacturing of ceramics. In this seminar, I would like to overview the development of these advanced ceramic coating processes and try to show our current challenge on the technology transfer to the industry in our coating center.


Dr. Kentaro Shinoda is a Senior Researcher at the Advanced Coating Technology Research Center at the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), Japan. He is currently involved in establishing a coating research hub and developing a new ceramic coating technology called hybrid aerosol deposition (HAD), which enables a combination of aerosol deposition and plasma spray technology in the Cross-Ministerial Strategic Innovative Promotion (SIP) program. His research interests include understanding of the nature of ceramic coating processes such as thermal spray, aerosol deposition, and chemical solution deposition based on process diagnostics as well as development of functional/structural applications such as thermal/environmental barrier coatings towards prime reliant coatings. He is also appointed as an Adjunct Associate Professor at Shibaura Institute of Technology and has supervised several master and bachelor students. He has published more than fifty peer-reviewed journal papers and conference proceedings and received several awards including the Best Paper Award at the International Thermal Spray Conference. He serves as a chief editor and the member of the board of directors of the Japan Thermal Spray Society. He also serves as a member of ASM Thermal Spray Society Programming Committee and an associate editor for conference special issues in the Journal of Thermal Spray Technology.

Dr. Shinoda received his Bachelor degree at the Department of Materials in 2000, his Master degree at the Department of Metallurgical Engineering in 2002, and his Ph.D. (in Engineering) at the Department of Materials Engineering in 2006 from the University of Tokyo. He studied as a short exchange scholar at the Centre for Advanced Coating Technologies (CACT), University of Toronto in 2005 during his Ph.D. study. After two-year postdoctoral fellowship at the Composites and Coatings Center at the National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS), he studied three years as a postdoctoral associate at the Center for Thermal Spray Research (CTSR) at Stony Brook University in USA. In 2011, he joined as a researcher in the Advanced Manufacturing Research Institute at AIST, and was promoted to a senior researcher in 2013 and hold his current position since 2015.