March MEng Mixer

Thursday, March 7, 2024

Rooftop on College
20 College St., 3rd Floor

March MEng Mixer

Marching through the winter term, the Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering would like to invite our MEng students out for an evening of connecting and networking with peers, alumni and course instructors. Please find details below:

When:  Thursday, March 7, 2024
Where: Rooftop on College (formerly Fran’s Rooftop Bar) – 20 College St., 3rd Floor
Who: Current MEng Students, MEng Alumni and Course Instructors
What: An opportunity to mix and mingle with peers, alumni and departmental contacts. Food will be provided by the department along with one complimentary drink ticket.

We look forward to seeing you there!


Registrations are closed for this event.