Characteristics of Successful Tech Hubs and Start-ups: Lessons from the Origin and Growth of Silicon Valley

Thursday, April 4, 2024

Room 4171, Medical Sciences Building
1 King’s College Circle

* The event is both in person and on Zoom

Paul Wesling

Hewlett-Packard Co. (retired)Paul Wesling
IEEE Distinguished Lecturer and Life Fellow



Silicon Valley is commonly acknowledged as the tech capital of the world. How did it come into being, and what can we learn from our Toronto Hub? Join this insightful session with Paul Wesling to discover the history behind Silicon Valley’s success. The attendees will learn from the stories of pioneering figures who shaped the tech landscape, and understand some of the novel management approaches that can be applied to our tech startups.

In this talk, key Silicon Valley attributes will be illustrated and analyzed. Paul’s extensive experience and keen observations of Silicon Valley make this lecture a must-attend for other tech hubs, entrepreneurs interested in creating their own start-ups, and technologists who will join these dynamic enterprises.


Paul Wesling has observed the Valley for decades as an engineer, executive, resident, and educator. He received degrees in electrical engineering and materials science from Stanford University, then worked locally at companies including LenkurtElectric, Sperry-Univac, and Amdahl, joining Tandem Computers in Cupertino in 1985.

Paul retired from HP in 2001 and then served as “Mr. IEEE” for the San Francisco Bay Area for 10 years. As vice president of publications for the IEEE’s Electronics Packaging Society for 22 years, he supervised four archival journals and a newsletter.  He has received the IEEE’s Centennial Medal, the Board’s Distinguished Service Award, the Society Contribution Award, the IEEE’s Third Millennium Medal, and the EPS Society’s Presidential Recognition Award. Paul also edits the IEEE/ASME/SEMI Heterogeneous Integration Roadmap for the prediction of technology directions in electronics packaging.



*Also on Wednesday, April 3, FE 222, at 12:00 PM