ARCDO Workshop: More Than One Experience: Encountering Islamophobia

Thursday, March 16, 2023

Facilitated by: Gilary Massa, Lead Consultant, Human Rights, Anti-oppression and Equity Educator and Strategist, Inclusive Leaders

No one experiences Islamophobia in the same way but its existence is undeniable. Islamophobia presents itself in innumerable ways as it intersects across ethnicity, sexuality, gender, race, etc. Deepening our learning about the various manifestations of Islamophobia is an important step to building our tools to addressing experiences in our environments.

Learning Objectives:

  • Deeper awareness of different manifestations of Islamophobia, including ways it surfaces in discourses in academic and co-curricular spheres.
  • New insights on how to address Islamophobic misrepresentations and generalizations in learning and working spaces.
  • Tips and strategies to facilitate and create open spaces to honour unique lived experiences.
  • Share strategies to address and combat Islamophobia in higher education.

Learn more and register