Dionne Aleman honoured with INFORMS Moving Spirit Award

aleman_dNovember 10, 2015 — MIE Professor Dionne Aleman was recently honoured with the Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS) 2015 Moving Spirit Award.

The award recognizes her contributions to the organization’s Junior Faculty Interest Group (JFIG). JFIG aims to create a forum to increase junior faculty interaction with each other, with senior faculty, and with industry, and to provide opportunities for networking and collaborative research. Professor Aleman received this year’s award for her outstanding and sustained contributions to the forum.

The award was presented at the INFORMS Annual Meeting in Philadelphia. As part of the annual meeting, Professor Aleman was a speaker at the 2015 INFORMS Teaching Effectiveness Colloquium. She was also recognized for serving on the conference organizing committee as TutORials co-Chair.
INFORMS is the largest society in the world for professionals in the field of operations research, management science and analytics.

Professor Aleman’s research interests are in the application of operations research to medical and healthcare systems. This research includes using mathematical optimization models to design radiation therapy treatment plans, using agent-based simulation to predict the spread of a pandemic disease in an urban population, using graph theory to determine vaccination priorities during a pandemic, and using optimization and simulation to improve hospital surgical scheduling.