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How U of T Engineering research could improve the design of small-scale modular reactors for the nuclear industry

Small modular reactors (SMRs) represent a new paradigm that could change how and where nuclear power is used to meet our energy needs — and U of T Engineering research could help point the way forward.

Professors Greg Jamieson (MIE), Oh-Sung Kwon (CivMin) and Yu Zou (MSE), recently received funding from the NSERC-CNSC Small Modular Reactors Research Grant Initiative. Over the next three years, each of them will be leading a project that seeks to improve the design of SMR technology, from the materials used in their manufacture to the ways in which they are operated.

“Canada has a long history in the nuclear space, and a lot of experience building and operating nuclear power plants,” says Jamieson.

“So far, these have all been large facilities designed to meet the needs of major population centres. But we also have many communities and natural resources that are located hundreds or thousands of kilometres away from these big cities. With a geography like that, SMRs start to make a lot of sense.”

While there are currently no SMRs in commercial operation, several companies and organizations around the world are working on pilot facilities to demonstrate proof-of-concept. For example, Ontario Power Generation has begun site preparation activities for an SMR project at its existing Darlington site in the Greater Toronto Area.

These plants would be small — producing less than 300 megawatts of power, as compared to two or three times that amount from Canada’s existing plants — and built with pre-fabricated components that could be shipped to remote locations and assembled on site.

Since they operate without producing any greenhouse gas emissions, SMRs are seen as a potentially cleaner replacement for the diesel generators that are currently the industrial standard in remote locations. And electricity isn’t all they produce.

“Like all nuclear plants, SMRs generate heat, which produces the steam that is used to run the turbines,” says Jamieson.

“But you could also use this heat in other ways: for example, district heating, or for industrial processes such as hydrogen generation or the early stages of oil sands processing. There are a lot of possibilities.”

As a human factors researcher, Jamieson will be focusing on how the plant’s operators will monitor and control the technology. His project builds on some of his previous experience with the nuclear industry, but also represents a contrast to current industry standards.

“Large nuclear plants have operating procedures oriented around a single crew of operators monitoring a single reactor,” says Jamieson.

“But small modular designs open up new possibilities, such as a single crew monitoring multiple reactors, which raises questions about how you distribute human attention.”

Many proposed SMR systems also include what is known as ‘inherently safe design.’ This means that systems are designed to passively shut down if operating conditions deviate from normal.

“Inherently safe design is a good idea, but we want to understand if there are situations where operators, possibly as a result of misinterpreting data, might mistakenly override those systems,” says Jamieson.

“This is something that was a factor in previous nuclear accidents, such as at the Three Mile Island facility in the U.S.”

In addition to differences in their potential modes of operation, SMRs might also require the use of different materials than current reactors, ones that can stand up to harsher working environments. This aspect is the focus of Zou’s research project.

“In today’s reactors, water is usually used as the cooling fluid,” says Zou.

“But many SMR designs use molten salts as the coolant, which can be more corrosive than water. Other designs use water, but they operate at much higher temperatures and pressures than traditional reactors. This means that the pipes, heat exchangers and other components need to be able to stand up to much harsher conditions.”

Zou and his team are working with collaborators at Natural Resources Canada and Dalhousie University to study how various materials might react to these tougher conditions. These might include nickel or iron-based alloys in common use today, but they will also consider new materials, such as high-entropy alloys, that haven’t been used for these applications before.

Components for SMRs could be made via additive manufacturing, also known as 3D printing. This method, which Zou’s team has expertise in, can significantly reduce the time from the development to the production.

MSE PhD candidate Xiao Shang works with a metal 3D printer in Professor Yu Zou’s lab. This equipment could be used to design and manufacture new steel alloys that can withstand the high pressures and temperatures encountered in small modular nuclear reactors. (Photo: Neil Ta)
MSE PhD candidate Xiao Shang works with a metal 3D printer in Professor Yu Zou’s lab. This equipment could be used to design and manufacture new steel alloys that can withstand the high pressures and temperatures encountered in small modular nuclear reactors. (Photo: Neil Ta)

The team will conduct physical experiments in the lab to test the mechanical properties of these materials, then feed the results into a set of computer simulations. Those simulations, in turn, will inform the development of future lab experiments in an iterative approach.

“Our goal is to build up a database that could be consulted by the designers of future SMRs,” says Zou. “It would also help regulators, as the lack of data about material behaviour under the relevant conditions makes it hard to assess safety.”

For their part, Kwon and his team are looking at how SMRs might react to seismic activity.

“Seismic analysis involves looking at how vibrations caused by seismic waves will affect a structure, including whether or not there are resonances that would amplify the effects of these vibrations,” says Kwon.

“In the case of a nuclear plant, we are interested not only in how vibrations might affect the building itself, but also the equipment within the building.”

One of the factors that Kwon and his team are focusing on is the properties of the soil underneath the reactor and containment buildings.

“Today’s plants undergo a lengthy site selection process that ensures they are seated on stiff, compacted soil that will not liquify in the case of a seismic event,” he says.

“But SMRs are designed to be shipped to remote locations, where there is less choice about where to situate them, so they may have to be designed to work on softer soils. In Canada’s North in particular, they might be seated on permafrost. If climate change causes that permafrost to melt, it could affect the seismic resilience of the facility.”

While SMRs are still a long way from widespread application, research from projects such as these can inform their development and keep Canada at the forefront of innovation in this dynamic sector.

– This story was originally published on the University of Toronto’s Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering News Site on July 12, 2023 by Tyler Irving.

Eva Lau, co-founder of Two Small Fish Ventures, says universities key to Toronto’s growth in tech

Eva Lau

Eva Lau (IndE 9T2), pictured here speaking at U of T’s True Blue Impact Day, will speak about the importance of diversity in entrepreneurial mentorship at a special session on June 28. (Photo: Polina Teif)

As one of the entrepreneurs on the front lines of Toronto’s rise as a modern tech hub, Eva Lau (IndE 9T2) says the University of Toronto will play a critical role in keeping the city on the cutting edge by fostering the next generation of innovators.

“I’ve been in this ecosystem long enough to see how it has matured,” says Lau, managing director and co-founder of Two Small Fish Ventures, which invests in early-stage tech companies and has backed successes such as SkipTheDishes, Sheertex and U of T drug discovery startup BenchSci.

“And I have to give credit to the universities.”

An alumna of the Faculty of Applied Science & Engineering, Lau is among the U of T founders, alumni and faculty expected to speak at the Collision conference from June 26 to 29  — a list that includes University Professor Emeritus Geoffrey Hinton, known as “the Godfather of AI,” who has garnered global attention for sounding the alarm about the existential risks of the technology he helped developed.

At a special session on June 28, Lau — who was formerly the head of community at online storytelling platform Wattpad — will talk about the positive impact that diverse mentors can have on founders as they go through the accelerator and incubator experience.

She recently spoke to U of T News about the benefits of diverse mentorship and how U of T’s emphasis on entrepreneurship has bolstered Toronto’s startup scene.

How does having diverse mentors help founders and startups grow?

Mentorship is something that a lot of founders may take for granted. They’ll say, “I need someone who understands this space.” If they’re building financial products, they’ll look for someone in the financial sector, for example.

But if we continue to iterate in a domain, we will always get incremental improvements of existing products. Disruption actually happens when people put their minds together and think outside the box. You need to surround yourself with people who think differently from you, who bring different perspectives.

Mentorship is more than getting advice about how to follow other people’s paths to success. It’s about building your own DNA, looking at things from a 360-degree perspective and making use of the advice around you so that you can chart your own path to build a product that works for everyone.

How did your education at U of T Engineering help you as an entrepreneur?

When I was at U of T, I studied industrial engineering. One of the subjects that intrigued me most was human factors — the product-human interface, designing products that suit human needs.

Addressing human issues is what innovation should be all about. When you design a product, you need to understand how humans will interact with it, because that’s what’s going to drive user adoption.

That was a real eye-opener for me. It’s not enough to create something that solves a problem for people. You have to think about how people are going to use your product to solve that problem. I’m not only the creator; I’m creating a solution for an actual person.

How have you seen Toronto’s startup scene evolve and where do you see it heading?

I’ve been in this ecosystem long enough to see how it has matured. And I have to give credit to the universities. Back when I was at U of T, entrepreneurship was barely mentioned. Nowadays, entrepreneurship is a building block of education.

At U of T, there’s the Creative Destruction Lab at the Rotman School of Management, the Entrepreneurship Hatchery at U of T Engineering and so many other incubators and accelerators.

That seed of entrepreneurship gets planted very early on, right after high school. And in the past couple of decades, we’ve seen more and more tech companies founded in Canada — Shopify, Wattpad, Wealthsimple and many others. That’s inspiring a lot more young people to follow suit.

We’re also seeing more budding entrepreneurs get first-hand experience working at companies as part of their education. For example, the Faculty of Applied Science & Engineering has the Professional Experience Year Co-op Program, where students can earn up to 20 months of work experience before they graduate. That’s a game-changer.

That’s why we’re seeing the maturity of the startup ecosystem. Our young generation is no longer limited to learning from textbooks, professors and parents. They can get a diversity of mentorship during their formative years.

What advice do you have for aspiring entrepreneurs at U of T, particularly women or people from diverse backgrounds?

Absolutely reach out to our amazing alumni network. And don’t limit yourself to alumni from your faculty. Reach out to alumni from the engineering school, or perhaps in philosophy, or physics, or history or business. Bring in different experiences to create your own recipe for success.

What will you be keeping an eye out for at the Collision?

I am so keen to listen to Geoffrey Hinton and other U of T co-founders talk about trends in artificial intelligence. I’m absolutely a believer that AI is going to bring so much more productivity improvement — or even disruption — to our ecosystem.

Certainly, there are concerns around AI. But the history of technology shows that innovation always creates some friction in the beginning, but the long-term gains are beneficial to everyone.

I want to hear from the people who are at the forefront of AI, and as importantly, see how their messages are received. How is the crowd reacting to what these influencers are saying? Because that’s a good temperature check.

– This story was originally published on the University of Toronto’s Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering News Site on June 27, 2023 by Adina Bresge.

Meet Our New Grads: Maeesha Biswas & Aleisha Reese Cerny

With U of T Engineering’s convocation ceremonies on June 20, 2023, our students mark the end of one journey and the beginning of another.

Having enriched the U of T Engineering community as undergraduate and graduate students, they will join our vibrant, global network of Skule™ alumni, where they will continue to address pressing challenges around the world and inspire the next generation.

The profiles of featured MIE students are below – read the full article to learn about the faculty’s other outstanding students!


Maeesha Biswas (IndE 2T2 + PEY)

“U of T has empowered me to learn more about how the world works and my place in it,” says Biswas.

During her time as an undergraduate industrial engineering student, Biswas’ academic interests were focused on health-care systems, human factors, technology and design geared at understanding people better.

She also devoted more than 2,000 hours to various activities and organizations, including planning the Undergraduate Engineering Research Day (UnERD) in 2020 as co-chair; and co-founding and co-hosting 1% Inspiration, a podcast that features stories and wisdom from the U of T Engineering community, including faculty, alumni and current students.

“After UnERD 2020 — which was held online due to the COVID-19 lockdown — we observed some students miss out on career development and networking opportunities due to a lack of on-campus interactions,” she says. “We created the podcast in response and since it launched, it has received over 1,100 listens over 22 episodes.”

As an extension of the podcast, Biswas collaborated with Skule™ to launch student initiatives, such as the “Dear Frosh” campaign that features letters from U of T Engineering students and alumni to their first-year selves.

After graduation, Biswas is looking forward to working on a startup with some of her fellow graduates to build generative artificial intelligence tools for media creators.

“I began learning to be a software developer during my PEY Co-op at PocketHealth — a company which helps patients share their diagnostic imaging records and own their medical information,” she says. “This experience gave me an appreciation for the huge scale of impact software can have on people’s lives.

“I want to continue to enrich human lives and experiences through software technology, and I believe my most important life’s work will be here.”


Aleisha Reese Cerny (MIE MASc 2T3)

Cerny says that pursuing research at U of T Engineering has empowered her to discover new ways of thinking and approaching problems.

For her thesis, she worked on developing conductive polymer composite materials for humidity sensors that can be used in the energy sector, as well as new materials for a component of hydrogen fuel cells called bipolar plates.

“By improving upon certain components of fuel cells, we can accelerate the mainstream adoption of this technology for a carbon-neutral future,” she says.

One of Cerny’s most rewarding experiences of the past two years was working as a teaching assistant.

“Teaching students, answering their questions and being a pillar for advice has been invaluable,” she says. “These students give me hope for the future.”

After graduation, Cerny will be working on a new startup that she co-founded with support from The Entrepreneurship Hatchery called Sustain Hydro. The team also includes Professor Olivera Kesler (MIE), who specializes in materials science, electrochemistry and solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs); as well as two other colleagues that she met in Kesler’s lab.

Sustain Hydro’s initial target market will be freight and heavy-duty trucks, as they contribute to over 10% of Canada’s greenhouse gas emissions.

“Our goal is to develop our own SOFCs for use in energy and transportation applications,” she says. “We have an exciting opportunity to really revolutionize traditional diesel engines, which can effectively lower environmental pollution and improve public health in our country.”

Beyond this endeavour, Cerny hopes to continue to incorporate her materials and engineering background into many avenues for climate justice.

“Thank you to Professor Hani E. Naguib (MIE, MSE) and all my colleagues and friends in the TSMART Lab. Professor Naguib has supported and encouraged my research endeavours on clean energy topics since the start. Any big idea I had was met with enthusiasm, guidance and support. He has built and fostered a lab with brilliant scientists who are willing to help and lift each other up when needed. Starting this degree in the pandemic was challenging, but the support and connection from other students and colleagues helped immensely.”

– These profiles extracted from the article originally published on the University of Toronto’s Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering News Site on June 2, 2020 by Safa Jinje & Tyler Irving.

University Professor Cristina Amon receives 2023 honorary doctorate from the University of Waterloo

Cristina Amon (MIE), Dean Emerita of U of T Engineering is a recipient of an honorary doctorate from the University of Waterloo, bestowed as part of its spring 2023 Convocation celebrations.

Amon is an Alumni Distinguished Professor in the Department of Mechanical & Industrial Engineering. A leader in computational fluid dynamics for thermal designs, she has made significant contributions to the field of thermal transport in nanoscale semiconductors, energy systems, EV batteries and biomedical devices.


In 2022, Amon was named a U of T University Professor, the University’s highest and most distinguished academic rank, recognizing unusual scholarly achievement and preeminence in a particular field of knowledge. The number of such appointments is limited to two percent of the University’s tenured faculty.

Amon’s role as Dean of U of T Engineering from 2006 to 2019 included the strategic and visionary leadership of more than 750 faculty and staff, and 8,000 students.

Under her leadership, U of T Engineering has become a global hub for multidisciplinary research, education and innovation, known for its strategic Faculty-wide initiatives, cross-Faculty centres and institutes, and innovative undergraduate and graduate programming.

During her deanship, U of T Engineering made tremendous strides in gender diversity, increasing the representation of women in the first-year engineering cohort from 20% to 42% and the number of women faculty from 19 to 56, with women in 13 major leadership roles.

She was appointed to the Order of Canada and inducted into the Canadian Academy of Engineering, Hispanic Engineer Hall of Fame, Royal Society of Canada, Spanish Royal Academy and U.S. National Academy of Engineering. She is a fellow of all major professional societies in her field and has contributed over 400 refereed articles to education and research literature.

Congratulations to University Professor Amon!

Ali Dolatabadi and Xinyu Liu elected to the Canadian Academy of Engineering

Eleven members of the U of T Engineering community have been elected as 2023 fellows of the Canadian Academy of Engineering (CAE). Professors Ali Dolatabadi (MIE), George Eleftheriades (ECE), Baochun Li (ECE), Xinyu Liu (MIE) and Ning Yan (ChemE)along with alumni Janet Elliott (EngSci 9T0, MechE MASc 9T2, PhD 9T7), Mina Hoorfar (MechE MASc 0T1, PhD 0T5), Steve Hranilovic (ElecE MASc 9T9, PhD 0T3), Mark Martinez (ElecE 8T7, MASc 9T0), Carolyn Ren (MechE PhD 0T4) and David Tennenhouse (ElecE 7T7, MASc 8T1), are among the CAE’s 55 new fellows. The CAE is a national institution through which individuals who have made outstanding contributions to engineering in Canada provide strategic advice on matters of critical importance to Canada and to Canadians.  

“The election of these exceptional faculty and alumni to the Academy is an important recognition of their impact as engineering innovators, educators and leaders, both nationally and globally,” says U of T Engineering Dean Christopher Yip. “On behalf of the Faculty, congratulations to all our new CAE fellows.” 


Ali Dolatabadi is working to design, build and promote environmentally responsible coating processes which can meet the technical and economic needs of industry. Prior to joining U of T, he was a Research Chair in Multiphase Flow and Thermal Spray at Concordia University. His research has advanced the fundamental understanding of thermal spray processes, as well as droplet dynamics, heat transfer and phase change, for the development and characterization of novel functional coatings and surface engineering solutions. Dolatabadi is associate director of the Centre for Advanced Coating Technologies and was instrumental in the formation of Green-SEAM, the first surface engineering research network in Canada. He served as president of the Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering from 2014 to 2016 and as president of the Engineering Institute of Canada from 2020 to 2022. He has received several awards for his research and teaching. 


George Eleftheriades is a pioneer in the field of metamaterials, which are artificial electromagnetic materials that can bend waves and process light in unnatural ways. The applications for these materials are immense and include sub-wavelength imaging in advanced medical diagnostics, very small and efficient antennas, wireless power transfer, efficient solar light harvesting, and even cloaking, where waves are bent around an object in a way that renders them transparent. Eleftheriades has become a world leader in this area by marrying fundamental physics and engineering to demonstrate the potential of this technology and then using it to invent novel devices for wireless communications, radar, super-resolution imaging and in the defence sector. Eleftheriades is a fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) and the Royal Society of Canada, and has received many of the most prestigious national and international awards in his field. 


Baochun Li is a pioneering researcher and innovator in multimedia systems, networking, cloud computing and distributed systems. A Bell Canada Endowed Chair since 2005, he has worked closely with industry partners such as Bell Canada and Microsoft and has published many influential papers, garnering more than 24,000 citations and an h-index of 86. Li led the creation of R2, the world’s first large-scale peer-to-peer video streaming system using network coding; R2’s technology was the first deployment of network coding in commercial video broadcasting. Li is also a leader in application-layer network protocols, which are technologies used to speed up the delivery of large volumes of data across cloud datacentres and the Internet. In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, he recently launched one of the first dedicated online conferencing platforms. Li is a fellow of IEEE and has received several prestigious awards for his contributions. 


Xinyu Liu is a world-renowned innovator who has tackled challenging interdisciplinary problems in microrobotics and microfluidics. His seminal contributions in microrobotic biomanipulation and diagnostic biosensors have significantly advanced the state-of-the-art and provided practical solutions to in vitro fertilization treatment and point-of-care diagnostics. Liu has developed a series of paper-based microfluidic biosensors for rapid diagnosis of conditions such as HIV, hepatitis, prostate cancer, cardiovascular disease and COVID-19. His research has led to 13 patents, with six licensed to industry, and technologies stemming from his work are sold in more than 20 countries. Prior to joining U of T Engineering, Liu was the Canada Research Chair in Microfluidics and BioMEMS at McGill University. He is a fellow of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, the Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering and the Engineering Institute of Canada.  


The Canada Research Chair in Sustainable Bioproducts, Ning Yan is an internationally renowned expert in converting renewable biomass into bio-based chemicals and functional materials. She is a global leader in developing bio-based adhesives, polyols, foams and resins using renewable biological building blocks. Yan led a large industry consortium to create a bark biorefinery for obtaining bio-polyphenolic compounds from waste bark residues. Her research team was the first to successfully synthesize bio-based epoxies using biophenolic extractives instead of toxic bisphenol A (BPA). Companies around the world are pursuing commercial applications of similar bark biorefinery processes. Yan’s research has resulted in 200 journal publications, eight patents/patent applications, and collaborations with academic, government and industry researchers around the world. She is a fellow of the Engineering Institute of Canada and the International Academy of Wood Science.   


Janet A. W. Elliott is a University of Alberta Distinguished Professor, recognized as being among the world’s leading engineering scientists, known for her profound insight into fundamental and applied thermodynamics. Her creative and elegant integration of mathematics and experimental data has addressed many long-standing problems across a wide array of disciplines in science, engineering and medicine, particularly in surface science and cryobiology. Elliott’s work has expanded thermodynamics to new complexity, new length scales and new disciplines, has provided some of the most cited works on the osmotic virial equation and statistical rate theory, and has provided leading cryopreservation protocols. 




Mina Hoorfar is an accomplished academic leader and engineer known for her inspired teaching, award-winning research, innovative administrative leadership and championing of equity, diversity and inclusion. Her research in microfluidics and nanotechnology is applied to energy, health and the environment. An outstanding teacher, she has received the EGBC Teaching Excellence Award and has been recognized by Engineers Canada as an Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Leader. Hoorfar has served in senior academic leadership roles including Director, School of Engineering at UBC Okanagan and Dean of Engineering and Computer Science at the University of Victoria.   





Steve Hranilovic is a research pioneer in optical wireless communications, an academic innovator and a technology leader developing Canadian-made solutions to bring equitable internet access to Canada’s northern, remote and rural communities. He ranks in the top 2% of researchers worldwide, his research has been applied widely in academia and industry and he is a Fellow of the IEEE and Optica. Hranilovic led the transformation of engineering education for 6,000 undergraduates, championing experiential project-based curricula. As Vice-Provost and Dean of Graduate Studies at McMaster, he is responsible for fostering innovation and maintaining a rich learning environment for graduate students across campus. 




Mark Martinez has made outstanding contributions to the pulp and paper industry, one of Canada’s largest manufacturing industries. He has developed new knowledge for improved operations in papermaking and co-invented several new products and processes. Martinez has trained a large number of engineers at the post-graduate level and disseminated knowledge through university teaching and industry courses. He has also played a significant leadership role as director of several university-industry initiatives for the traditional industry as well as the newly emerging bio-products sector. His accomplishments have contributed to the strengthening of a vital pulp and paper industry in Canada. 





Carolyn Ren is renowned for her leading-edge contributions to droplet and air microfluidics innovation. Her physical and theoretical models, as well as her design and optimization tools, have enabled new, integrated Lab-on-a-Chip devices for life sciences, environmental monitoring and material synthesis applications. Ren is forging a new frontier in soft, wearable assistive robotics technologies development, enabled by air microfluidics techniques. These lightweight, tetherless innovations are transforming prosthesis design and treatment of lymphedema, edema and arthritis. She has co-founded four start-up companies to commercialize her team’s inventions, is a Fellow of the CSME and a Member of the RSC College. 




David Tennenhouse is passionate about innovation and has led advanced research enabling software-defined networking and software radio. He has worked in academia, as a faculty member at MIT; in government, at DARPA; in industry at Intel, Amazon/, Microsoft and VMware; and as a partner at New Venture Partners and co-founder of Vericom Systems Ltd. Tennenhouse has championed a wide range of technologies, including networking, distributed computing, blockchain/digital assets, computer architecture, storage, machine learning, robotics and nano/bio-technology. He holds a BASc and MASc in Electrical Engineering from the University of Toronto and obtained his PhD at the University of Cambridge. 


– This story was originally published on the University of Toronto’s Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering News Site on June 6, 2023 by Carolyn Farrell.

U of T Engineering researchers advance magnetic microrobotic surgical tools for minimally invasive brain surgery

The surgical tool uses magnetic fields to enable surgeons to access hard-to-reach areas of the brain with a minimal level of invasiveness. (Video: Microrobotics Lab)

The surgical tool uses magnetic fields to enable surgeons to access hard-to-reach areas of the brain with a minimal level of invasiveness. (Video: Microrobotics Lab)

A tiny robotic hand designed to enhance neurosurgery is one step closer to clinical practice.  

The microrobotic tool, created by a team of U of T Engineering researchers led by Professor Eric Diller (MIE), is operated by an electromagnetic system. It enables surgeons to access hard-to-reach areas of the brain with a minimal level of invasiveness, leading to faster treatment and recovery for patients.  

“We are designing the mechanism that drives this robotic hand, which is basically going to act as a surgeon’s hand,” says Diller.  

“We are also using magnetic fields to make this tiny hand move, which is our unique approach to doing this.”  

The team will be presenting their latest findings at the 2023 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) later this spring. Their new conference paper examines the feasibility of the newly developed tools to ensure they are ready for preclinical trials.  

“No one else has developed these wirelessly driven magnetic tools before,” says Diller. “So, we needed to categorize the different types of basic operation elements that a surgeon would do, such as pulling on tissue, retracting and applying force to cut into the tissue.  

“We determined that for brain surgery — including procedures targeting epilepsy or removing tumours — we can get enough force to perform the necessary neurosurgery tasks.” 

The designs presented in the new study are an extension of two previous papers published in 2021 in collaboration with Dr. James Drake, a paediatric neurosurgeon in the Department of Surgery at The Hospital for Sick Children (SickKids). 

Since then, the team has developed a clinical-scale electromagnetic coil system, which was designed and built by Adam Schonewille (MIE MASc 2T2), a former student in Diller’s lab.  

The system has a working volume that is approximately the size of an adult human head, with all the electromagnets located underneath a flat surface — a major design requirement for Drake’s team at SickKids, since surgeons require unimpeded access to the patient. 

“Existing surgical robots already take up a lot of space in the operating room, so we wanted our system to be as unobtrusive as possible while still giving the magnetic field the strength needed to accomplish the work,” says Dr. Cameron Forbrigger (MIE PhD 2T2), lead author of the new paper. 

“This electromagnetic system is a major step forward for the feasibility of our surgical approach, and we’ve seen a lot of interest in it from international researchers in our field.” 

A significant contribution of Forbrigger’s PhD dissertation involved modelling how the magnetic design of a tool shapes its response to the magnetic field. Using that model, he was able to rank tool designs based on their predicted performance.  

“This accelerates our design process because, we don’t need to build a tool and test it to know how it will behave,” he says. “This model also enabled us to develop a control strategy that automatically calculates the optimal magnetic field needed to move the tool through a desired motion.”  

The team is also working to overcome a significant challenge that many surgical robots face — acquiring real-time information about the tool’s location and orientation.  

Surgeons using the tool will need to insert it down a channel into the brain and know where it is. To simulate this, the research team makes use of ‘phantom’ brains made of rubber, inserting the long, thin tool into the model that is the same size and shape as a real brain.  

A camera on the tip of the tool provides some location information, but Diller says that this feedback method isn’t very accurate due to its poor viewpoint. 

To overcome this visual challenge, Erik Fredin (MIE PhD candidate), the second author on the conference paper, is developing a computer vision algorithm using machine learning, which is crucial for the utility of the tool. The computer vision results show that it can detect the angles of the tool simultaneously as the operator controls the tool.  

As the team continues to work towards clinical use and commercialization of their dexterous microrobot, the next step will be moving the electromagnetic system and tools to SickKids hospital for live animal trials.   

“Surgeons can be skeptical about the effectiveness of a new surgical tool until they see it tested in a realistic scenario — and rightfully so,” says Forbrigger, who is now a postdoctoral researcher at ETH Zürich. 

“We’ve put a lot of effort into demonstrating the performance of the tools quantitatively, but we’ve now reached the point where animal models are the next critical step toward further development.” 

– This story was originally published on the University of Toronto’s Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering News Site on May 24, 2023 by Safa Jinje .

Can AI help make our buildings more sustainable?

Professor Seungjae Lee

Professor Seungjae Lee (CivMin) is using U of T buildings as models to design deep learning algorithms that could optimize the operations of building heating and cooling systems, significantly reducing energy use

We know we are supposed to switch the lights off when we leave a room, but what about the furnace, or the air-conditioning? According to Professor Seungjae Lee (CivMin), unnecessary heating and cooling of buildings wastes a lot of energy — but artificial intelligence (AI) could offer a better way forward.

Lee’s latest research project, Grid-Interactive Smart Campus Buildings, is a three-year pilot project that aims to reduce U of T’s climate footprint by leveraging AI to optimize the heating and cooling systems in existing buildings. The project is carried out in partnership with Professor Chi-Guhn Lee (MIE) and is jointly funded by the Climate Positive Energy and Climate Positive Campus initiatives at U of T.

“Buildings account for around 25-30% of total energy consumption and energy sector greenhouse gas emissions in Canada and worldwide,” says Lee.

“Given that people spend an average of 90% of their lives indoors, ensuring comfortable and healthy indoor environments is a critical function of building systems. But we could be a lot smarter about using the resources we have.”

Lee’s research applies AI solutions to building science to tackle this issue. In the first year of the project the team is focused on creating a digital twin, a.k.a., a virtual representation, of the Exam Centre at 255 McCaul Street.

In the next stage, the researchers will develop a novel deep reinforcement learning algorithm for the optimal control of the heating and cooling systems. This algorithm will be pre-trained with the digital twin to avoid putting excessive stress on the actual building.

After the pre-training with the digital twin, the algorithm will be implemented in the real Exam Centre and further fine-tuned through interactions with the building. If successful, Lee hopes to use the same approach to convert more campus buildings to smart buildings, contributing to U of T’s Low-Carbon Action Plan.

“60% of campus energy consumption on the St. George campus comes from heating and cooling buildings,” he says.

Schematic for smart buildings
This schematic describes how deep learning could be used to create customized algorithms for optimizing energy use in buildings. (Image: Seungjae Lee)

Lee’s research group is also investigating how humans interact with their buildings in an NSERC Discovery-funded project titled Scalable Cyber-Physical-Human Systems for Intelligent and Interactive Buildings. This is an emerging research area with relatively little published research, something Lee hopes to change.

Where previous methods relied on correlations in data such as the correlation between thermostat setpoint temperature and other parameters, such as the time of the day, Lee and his team are instead using causal relations — for example, the factors affecting occupants’ decision-making on thermostat setpoint temperature — to develop reliable human-centric smart solutions.

“Once we understand how humans interact with their buildings in the light of causation, we can realize more intelligent and human-interactive buildings,” says Lee.

While Lee is not the only researcher interested in using machine learning and AI techniques in buildings, the sector has lagged behind others, such as the automotive or health-care industries, because of how different the energy consumption profiles and needs of individual buildings can be.

“A solution customized for one building is not necessarily fully transferable to another,” he says. “This is a major roadblock in the path of making our buildings smarter.”

“If we can seamlessly combine existing building science domain knowledge and AI, we can build scalable and reliable solutions to create sustainable buildings.”

To tackle this issue, the team is partnering with PLC Group, along with funding from the Ontario Centre of Innovation, to develop a scalable digital twinning tool for building energy systems. If this tool is effective, it will equip the building industry with a solution to create intelligent, interactive and more sustainable buildings around the world.

“The use of AI in building management systems not only has the potential to significantly improve the sustainability of our built environment, but also the way in which we interact with our built environment,” says Lee.

– This story was originally published on the University of Toronto’s Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering News Site on May 23, 2023 by Selah Katona.

Alison Olechowski Receives FASE Early Career Teaching Award

Recognizing an early career educator who has demonstrated exceptional classroom instruction and teaching methods.

Professor Alison Olechowski joined the Faculty in 2017 and is jointly appointed to MIE and ISTEP. She has taught six different courses, covering both the Mechanical and Industrial engineering programs as well as Troost ILead, and completely redesigned MIE459: Organization Design.

Beyond her classroom teaching, Olechowski is an emerging leader in engineering education research. She has regularly presented at the annual conferences of the Canadian Engineering Education Association and the American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) and has twice won best paper awards from ASEE for her work exploring traits such as confidence, leadership and risk orientation in different groups of engineering students. Olechowski serves on the committee that launched a Canada Design Workshop and is working with computer-aided design (CAD) education researchers nationwide on an initiative to make CAD labs more accessible for students.

She is an active supervisor of the Spark Design Club and the U of T Aerospace Team and is currently mentoring two high school students through the Girls SySTEM Mentorship program. In 2018 Olechowski received a Dean’s Spark Professorship and a Technology Enhanced Active Learning Fellowship. She garnered the MIE Early Career Teaching Award in 2021.

– This story was originally published on the University of Toronto’s Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering News Site on April 26, 2023 by Carolyn Farrell.

Maryam Ebrahimiazar Receives FASE Teaching Award

Recognizing a TA who demonstrates excellence in classroom teaching, working with students, and the development of course materials.

Postdoctoral fellow Dr. Maryam Ebrahimiazar has been a TA for several core mechanical engineering courses over the past four years and has served as head TA for MIE312: Fluid Mechanics since 2020.

Ebrahimiazar has been highly sought after by instructors and regularly received offers to collaborate on their courses. She is also very popular with students — her tutorials are always packed, both with her own students and those from other sections, and she consistently receives excellent student evaluations. Students appreciate her accessibility and approachability, and her ability to adjust her teaching in response to feedback. Ebrahimiazar has also made many contributions to the University’s teaching mission beyond her department.

In 2021, she designed and delivered a course on engineering and human health for high-school students as part of the Engineering Outreach Office’s Blueprint program. She also served as a graduate educational developer at U of T’s Centre for Teaching Support and Innovation, creating pedagogical workshops and other initiatives to improve TA performance across the University. Ebrahimiazar was recognized by MIE for her outstanding teaching with the group TA award in 2021 and the individual TA award in 2022.

– This story was originally published on the University of Toronto’s Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering News Site on April 26, 2023 by Carolyn Farrell.

U of T-led collaboration to develop community-tailored clean energy technologies

Professor David Sinton

Professor David Sinton (MIE) is the nominated principal investigator of CANSTOREnergy and academic lead of the Climate Positive Energy institutional strategic initiative. (Photo: Lisa Lightbourn)

A University of Toronto-led collaboration developing clean energy technologies that can be tailored to the needs of different communities – from Canada’s remote North to populous southern Ontario– will receive support from the federal government.

The CANSTOREnergy project brings together researchers from 11 Canadian universities, along with community, utility and industry partners, to develop technologies that convert carbon-based emissions into useful products, such as fuels and raw materials, and create a net-zero means of seasonal storage for renewable energy that meets specific community needs.

Led by researchers from U of T’s Climate Positive Energy initiative, the collaborative effort is being supported by $24 million through the federal New Frontiers in Research Fund’s 2022 Transformation Competition.

The project will deliberately focus on two very different regions – Yukon and the southern Ontario city of Hamilton – in recognition that there is no one-size-fits-all approach in a vast country like Canada.

“We want to think about addressing these big global challenges such as climate change. But we don’t solve them at the global scale,” says Professor Kate Neville, one of the project’s lead researchers and an associate professor in U of T’s Department of Political Science and School of the Environment in the Faculty of Arts & Science.

“You solve them by thinking about what those challenges look like in lots of places and working with communities to find solutions that meet multiple needs.”

The project’s two sites highlight the different challenges Canadian regions face when considering how carbon conversion technologies can be successfully adapted to existing infrastructure, economic forces and social goals. 

Yukon, for example, is not included in the electrical grid that connects much of the U.S. and Canada, and seasonal extremes limit the availability of renewable energy. As a result, many communities need to import diesel fuel during the harsh winter months – which comes at a high cost both environmentally and financially. 

Hamilton, by contrast, is a densely populated urban centre that is plugged into the main North American power grid. Heavy industry fuels the local economy, but the environmental costs, such as air pollution, are unevenly distributed and disproportionately impact low-income and marginalized communities.

“Science and research are essential to solving the greatest challenges facing humanity today and in the future,” says François-Philippe Champagne, minister of innovation, science and industry. “That’s why our government is committed to continuing support for researchers who are pushing the boundaries of innovation, by investing in transformative, high-risk / high-reward research that will address issues that impact Canadians in all sectors of our economy and society.”

At the core of the project is a commitment to engaging community members about their energy challenges and goals and how carbon conversion technologies could fit into their future.

This engagement could ultimately determine the success of carbon conversion technologies, says Professor David Sinton (MIE), nominated principal investigator of CANSTOREnergy and academic lead of Climate Positive Energy, one of several U of T institutional strategic initiatives.

Technologies that perform in the lab don’t always work as well under real-world conditions, adds Sinton, who notes that the urgency of the climate challenge calls for an expedient way to pre-empt issues that may crop up during deployment.

“Too often, engineers – and I have experience in this – innovate while focusing on the technology, which is totally understandable. But when tech is developed without guidance from an end user … the subsequent iterations can be costly. 

“We don’t have time for that decades-long iterative cycle that is the norm. We need a new approach and are testing that here.”

CANSTOREnergy’s research team comprises engineers, social scientists, economists and other experts from McMaster University, Yukon University, University of Waterloo, University of British Columbia, University of Victoria, University of Winnipeg, Toronto Metropolitan University, University of Calgary, Carleton University and Dalhousie University.

The researchers will receive guidance from stakeholders and advisers in industry, utilities, government and Indigenous nations.

“The University of Toronto welcomes the federal government’s critical support for this important research,” says Leah Cowen, U of T’s Vice-President, Research and Innovation, and Strategic Initiatives. “Canada enjoys a global competitive advantage in the area of carbon capture research – and the CANSTOREnergy team, with its collaborative and interdisciplinary approach, will build on these strengths and help to optimize this technology to meet the needs of communities across the country.”

Since environmental justice is at the forefront of the CANSTOREnergy project, Neville says it’s vital that communities have a say in developing the clean energy systems that could power and empower them.

“It’s about imagining community futures in ways that meet the goals of equity and fairness,” says Neville.

“It’s thinking about how technology can help us undo some of the unjust systems that we have and help build something that is not only about climate change, but about a more just future.”

– This story was originally published on the University of Toronto’s Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering News Site on April 26, 2023 by Adina Bresge.


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