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IndE alumna Abigail Sellen elected Fellow of the Royal Society

The Royal Society is a self-governing Fellowship made up of the most eminent scientists, engineers and technologists from around the world. Fellows and Foreign Members are elected for life through a peer review process, on the basis of excellence in science. The Royal Society is the oldest known scientific academy in continuous existence. Fellowship is a significant honour, which has been bestowed on distinguished individuals, such as Isaac Newton, Charles Darwin, Albert Einstein, Dorothy Hodgkin, Alan Turing, Lise Meitner, and Stephen Hawking.

Dr. Abigail Sellen is one of the most highly cited and influential scientists in the field of Human-Computer Interaction. Her distinguished career has spanned both academia and industrial research with many of the world’s leading technology companies, and her seminal contributions laid foundations for technologies used today by billions of people. She is world renowned for her pioneering work on video conferencing and teleworking, a field that has recently gained pivotal significance. Sellen is highly influential in the ethics of AI, and is a strong champion for multi-disciplinary research that ensures technology is human-centric.

After earning her MASc in Industrial Engineering at  MIE, Dr. Sellen went on to complete her doctorate in Cognitive Science from the University of California, San Diego. She holds another connection to MIE; her stepfather, John Senders, was a former MIE IndE professor. Today, Dr. Sellen works as Deputy Director at Microsoft Research Cambridge in the United Kingdom. She has also held positions at Hewlett Packard Labs, Bristol, the Xerox research lab in Cambridge, was cross-appointed to the MRC Applied Psychology Unit at Cambridge, and was a Research Fellow at Darwin College, University of Cambridge.

Read the full announcement on the Royal Society website.

TRANSFORM HF partnership advances novel technologies for heart failure care

Professor Craig Simmons (MIE, BME), co-lead at TRANSFORM HF, looks forward to providing students with an immersive training experience beyond his lab and into the communities where their innovations will be used. (Photo: Neil Ta)

A new partnership between the University of Toronto and the Ted Rogers Centre for Heart Research is forging new collaborations and designing new technologies to reimagine how high-quality, digital approaches to heart failure can be equitably delivered to all Canadians.

TRANSFORM HF will build, support and fund a community of multidisciplinary engineers, basic and data scientists, clinicians, and health experts to develop solutions that will help monitor and proactively treat people with heart failure in their own homes and empower them toward greater self-care.

Heart failure affects at least one million Canadians. Nine out of 10 die within 10 years, having experienced a reduced quality of life, frequent lengthy hospital stays, and chronic disruptions to jobs, relationships and family life.

New therapies are dramatically improving quality of life and survival in heart failure, and technology is capable of changing how the disease is managed, according to Dr. Heather Ross, a Ted Rogers Centre Scientific Lead who was recently appointed to the Order of Canada for her dedication to advancing cardiac care.

“Unfortunately, these therapies and approaches are underutilized and inaccessible to a lot of Canadians,” Ross says. “Our goal is to unite the right people in devising new medical and artificial intelligence technologies that will achieve equitable access to high-level care across our country’s vast geography.”

She and Professor Craig Simmons (MIE, BME) — also a Ted Rogers Centre Scientific Lead and director of the Translational Biology and Engineering Program — are co-leading TRANSFORM-HF.

“We will bring together the vast amount of technology developed at the University of Toronto and deploy it in new ways,” says Simmons. “Our engineers and scientists will help our clinical partners deliver expert care to remote locations and perform continuous monitoring to keep people with heart failure safe.”

He says that some of these innovations, like biosensors and remote monitoring tools, already exist — and others will be co-designed by experts in different fields, and by patients themselves.

“Technology is often developed in a bubble, so for our engineers and scientists to collaborate with patients on design will change everything,” says Simmons. “The ability to interact with end users early will help us create solutions that work more quickly and more smoothly.”

“In medicine we must do things with patients, not to patients,” adds Ross. “They are the ones who will use these technologies, and they can tell us if our ideas make sense, or how they can be tweaked.”

A key goal of the program is to build user-centered technology that can be adapted by any patient, in any environment, with any specific need.

The TRANSFORM HF team will devise a new era of biosensors that can be packaged and used by Canadians in any community. These include wearable sensors built into fabric — socks, patches, vests — that monitor clinically relevant vitals like heart rate, blood pressure, breathing patterns and fluid accumulation. They may include a mobile app whose special camera can assess blood flow below the skin, and tech that syncs with consumer products like the Apple Watch or Fitbit.

Simmons says the team will also conceive new ways of bringing diagnostics that are done in the lab to people’s homes. “Patients often have to travel for them and wait days for results,” he says. “What if we could give them a small device that, for instance, takes a pin prick of blood, runs a test, and produces results in 15 minutes? These microtechnologies already exist, but they haven’t been engineered to specifically focus on markers important for heart failure.”

Innovations like these can yield oceans of data, which may hold new signals that reveal the state of someone’s heart failure or the risk of it worsening. The machine learning component of TRANSFORM HF is about creating algorithms that can predict someone’s risk of hospitalization, and enabling clinicians to intervene early to help keep that person in a stable condition.

To make the mission sustainable, TRANSFORM HF plans on training graduate students, scientists and clinicians across disciplines, beyond the lab and into communities and homes where their innovations are to be used.

“An immersive training experience allows our students to see first-hand what the constraints are, what power is available, what internet connectivity is like, and who the people are that they are designing technology for,” says Simmons. “New innovations will be set up to make a true difference in people’s lives.”

This training also includes commercialization, as students and fellows will explore entrepreneurship and vital aspects of translating technology such as regulatory rules.

All of this will rely on brand new partnerships with patients and communities, at all stages of development.

“This is a special opportunity to co-create and test new inventions in a collaborative sandbox, and I expect it to build into a long-term funding model to create a pipeline of innovations in the heart failure space,” Simmons says.

“For decades, we’ve watched heart failure care evolve incrementally.” says Ross. “But with all stakeholders working together, we will generate ideas that allow for transformative changes in how we manage this complex disease. Instead of taking steps we can make leaps.”

– This story was originally published on the University of Toronto’s Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering News Site on May 6, 2021 by Jeff Jurmain

Community Spotlight: Zhenglin Liu (MechE 1T9+PEY)

Zhenglin Liu’s (MechE 1T9+PEY) plans after graduating were changed as the COVID-19 pandemic continues to limit travel and in-person learning opportunities. Instead of heading to Cambridge University to begin a master’s program last fall, Zhenglin found himself taking on the role of a legislative intern for MP Taylor Bachrach. As a 2020 recipient of a UTSLA (University of Toronto Student Leadership Award), we were excited to catch up with Zhenglin and hear what he’s been up to since graduating at last week’s virtual celebration for 2020 and 2021 award recipients.

You may already know Zhenglin from his time at MIE – he was involved in quite a few student groups, for example serving as co-president of U of T Environmental Action (UTEA), Sustainability Commissioner for the U of T Students’ Union, and editor of the Cannon newspaper. He was also responsible for re-starting the Skule Choir. As you can see, he doesn’t shy away from getting involved in the communities that interest him.

“I ended up deferring my plans for graduate school for a year because of the pandemic,” said Zhenglin, “so I was fortunate to learn about this internship coordinated by GreenPAC, a non-profit that works to elect environmental leaders at the federal and provincial levels.”

Through its Parliamentary Internship for the Environment program, GreenPAC places interns with environmentally focused MPs they endorse. Zhenglin was matched with MP Taylor Bachrach (Skeena-Bulkley Valley, BC), the NDP critic for Infrastructure, Communities, and Transport, because of his relevant technical background, and has been a part of the MP’s team since September 2020.

Zhenglin has a wide-range of responsibilities within the MP’s legislative team. He helps to research the experts and stakeholders who present to the House of Commons committees on Environment and Transport, conducts data analysis projects, advises on the science and technology aspects of climate policy issues, and much more.

“My training as an engineer has definitely been useful in this position. Skills from my engineering design courses have been helpful engaging with stakeholders, for example, while MIE507 and 515 both speak to high-profile avenues of climate action in the infrastructure sector,” he said, “and MIE258 played a big part in making me the excel power-user I am today, so don’t discount that class!”

Zhenglin’s internship position will wrap up in June and he will continue on with his graduate education at Cambridge in the Fall. He will begin the MPhil Environmental Policy program, which focuses on law and economics, at the university’s Clare College.

Afterwards, Zhenglin hopes to build on his experiences so far by working for the federal public service in a climate-related role, whether at Environment and Climate Change Canada or another relevant department such as Natural Resources Canada or Infrastructure Canada. He may even find himself back at U of T to begin law school (where he holds a deferred offer) in order to pursue public interest environmental law.

Zhenglin is happy to connect through LinkedIn in to talk to other students who are interested in policy or who might consider applying for the internship when they graduate.

We want to get to know you! Do you have a story to share with the MIE community? Reach out to to be featured in the Community Spotlight.

-Published May 4, 2021 by Lynsey Mellon,

Congratulations 2020-2021 Capstone Project Winners!

In early April, fourth year MIE students wrapped up their final capstone projects. Despite the added challenge of meeting with clients and collaborating with their team fully online, the resulting projects were a great success.

“The caliber of work the students accomplished is remarkable,” said Markus Bussmann, MIE Department Chair, “The flexibility and resilience our students have shown throughout their final year at MIE will certainly help them as they move on to their future careers.”

Each year both MIE490 and 491 select the top-scoring projects to receive awards. From an app that helps determine the least-populated route to get to your destination to a multi-patient ventilator, many of this year’s winning projects were related to finding solutions to new challenges the pandemic has brought to light.  We’re pleased to highlight the winning projects and the innovative solutions for their clients’ needs.

Industrial Engineering Project Winners

Left to Right: Olivia Bierman-Dyk, Clara Birch, Jean Carlos Cedeno Bravo, Catherine Grace Lloyd

First Place & The Peri Family Industrial Engineering Design Award: Stop the Spread: COVID-19 Public health Policy Decision Support
Project Team: Olivia Bierman-Dyk, Clara Birch, Jean Carlos Cedeno Bravo, Catherine Grace Lloyd
Client: Medical Operations Research Lab, University of Toronto Supervisor: Dionne Aleman

The Medical Operations Research Lab (morLAB) at the U of T has been engaged by a provincial public health department to assist in making informed decisions about COVID-19 policies. Together, they integrated real public health data provided by the province into the morLAB Pandemic Outbreak Planner (morPOP). To bridge the gap between Public Health’s expertise and the complex simulation model output, the design team created a decision support system (DSS) consisting of a statistical analysis to determine the most effective policies and a user interface to display the results.

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Left to Right: Helen Wang, Joyce Yan, Kelly Sun, Gigi Liang

Second Place: COVID-19 TravelSafe Navigation Tool
Project Team:  Helen (Dingyuhan) Wang, Gigi (Yingzhi) Liang, Kelly (Yixin) Sun, Joyce (Qiaoyi) Yan
Client: Mott MacDonald Canada Limited (MM) Supervisor: Scott Sanner

During the COVID-19 pandemic, pedestrians are more circumspect when traveling within the Greater Toronto Area. Similar situations are present around the world. Among the existing navigation tools, little has been done to incorporate the risk of exposure to the COVID-19 virus in the route planning phase. As a result, pedestrians need a practical way to reduce their traveling risk. The team developed a web-based application that customizes routes based on user preferences on travel time and risk to interactively assist decision making in pedestrian and public transit travel.

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Top Left to Right: Hanin Afzal, Min Jue Kim Bottom Left to Right: Golbarg Eslami, Parastou Hadizadehmoghaddam

Third Place: C.O.P.S: COVID-19 Outcome Prediction System
Project Team: Golbarg Eslami, Hanin Afzal, Min Jue Kim, Parastou Hadizadehmoghaddam
Client: Medical Operations Research Lab, University of Toronto Supervisor: Dionne Aleman

The COVID-19 pandemic emphasizes the need for time-sensitive and evidence-based public health policy decisions. The Medical Operations Research Lab (morLAB) uses a large-scale agent-based simulation tool called morPOP (morLAB Pandemic Outbreak Planner) to inform public health decisions around a Canadian province’s COVID-19 response. However, running simulations and analyzing the results is time-consuming, and requires niche expertise. Therefore, there is a need for a faster method to assess simulation outcomes without relying on model experts. This project makes accurate policy outcome predictions available for ad-hoc analyses through a machine learning system easily utilized by public health officials and other intended users.

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Mechanical Engineering Project Winners

Top Left to Right: Eason Ong, Jianfei Pan Bottom Left to Right: Jungho J. Kim, Richard Zhao

First Place: Efficient COVID-19 Test Strip Manufacturing Devices
Project Team: Jungho J. Kim, Eason Ong, Jianfei Pan, Richard (Qiwei) Zhao
Client: University of Toronto Bio-MEMS Lab Supervisor: Xinyu Liu

Lateral flow test strip (LFT) is a simple and economic point of care diagnostic device used to detect the presence of a target analyte in liquid samples. The client requires a continuous supply of LFT to aid their research regarding COVID-19 and other viruses diagnostics. Current LFT laminators and cutters in the market are costly (>10000 CAD combined), complex to operate and are more suited for industrial application. The project team was able to successfully design a low-cost and efficient laminator and cutter for their client.

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Left to Right: Chloe Shao, Claire Gledhill, Liina Sadul, Michelle Ji

Second Place: How Adjustable Adhesion Improves Mechanical Gripping
Project Team:
Chloe Shao, Claire Gledhill, Liina Sadul, Michelle Ji
Client: The Hatton Lab Supervisor: Matthew Mackay

The Hatton Lab has developed adjustable-adhesion surfaces made of silicone that can vary the frictional force exerted on an object. A mechanical gripper design was requested by the client in order to evaluate the effectiveness of the adjustable-adhesion surfaces and to demonstrate their functionality in a practical device. The project team designed and built a prototype to serve as a testing platform to demonstrate the practical use of the gripping surfaces.

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Third Place: Multi-Patient Ventilator for Covid-19 (100-PV)
Project Team: Fanny Lin, Chris Cardoza, Vasant Batta, Alice Ko
Client: HH Angus Ltd., Sinton Lab Supervisor: David Sinton

In response to the ventilator shortages due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the project team designed a multi-patient ventilator that can provide mechanical ventilation to multiple respiratory illness patients through a single centralized gas processing system. This design challenges existing multi-patient ventilators’ inability to provide per-patient tunability, and aimed to deliver a product whose output is individualized to meet the needs of each patient.

View Project Summary

Congratulations to the winning teams and to all of our Capstone students – we can’t wait to see what you go on to do next! To see the full range of projects completed this year, take a look at the Capstone Design Projects booklet.

-Published on May 3, 2021 by Lynsey Mellon,

Meet Mihai “Mishu” Duduta, MIE’s newest faculty member

Mihai “Mishu” Duduta is joining the Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering as an Assistant Professor in Mechanical Engineering. He completed his PhD at Harvard University, with a thesis focused on novel dielectric elastomer actuators (DEAs) materials for soft robotic applications. Mishu joins us from the University of Minnesota – Twin Cities where he developed soft robotic tools for endovascular interventions as a medical devices innovation fellow. He is the Principal Investigator at MARB-L (Materials for Actuators, Robots & Batteries – Laboratory) which studies novel materials and processes to build actuators and batteries for the robots of the future.

What drew you to MIE at U of T?

Within MIE, the major draws were: the quality and diversity of research being done across the Department, the high caliber of students at both the graduate and undergraduate levels, and the supportive and collaborative environment. More broadly, the close ties between U of T and the nearby research hospitals mean there are great avenues for collaboration for medical applications of soft robotics. Lastly the field of Robotics is growing tremendously, as evidenced by the Robotics Institute on campus, and the Toronto area has a thriving entrepreneurial ecosystem for taking new ideas to market.

Can you share a little about your research and what you like about it?

Robots are becoming more and more present in our daily lives, from manufacturing sites, to hospitals, and even in our homes. My research is on soft robotics, a field focused on making machines that can safely interact with humans, because they are made from compliant materials. One of the major challenges in the field is finding suitable artificial muscles to make these robots move as living creatures do. I’m fascinated by this field because we can use biology for inspiration, and in the process learn more about natural systems.

What are your goals, as both an educator and a researcher, over the next few years?

Robotics is a cross-disciplinary field, so my goal as an educator is to give students the ability to view a problem from multiple perspectives, and then distill it down to specific fundamental challenges. As a researcher my goal is to improve the performance of artificial muscles, to enable new types of robots that solve real-world problems.

Do you have any unique hobbies?

While in Minnesota I went to the Boundary Waters to try portaging and found it to be a lot of fun. That’s when you canoe across a lake, then carry your canoe to the next lake and keep going. I know Ontario has areas that are great for portaging so I look forward to trying that again.

Do you have a favourite spot on campus or in Toronto?

During my first trip to Toronto I enjoyed the Aquarium of Canada: as someone studying bio-inspired robots, the variety of fishes and sea creatures on display was stunning.

-Published on May 3, 2021 by Lynsey Mellon,

U of T researchers develop first-of-its-kind dexterous microrobots for neurosurgery

Professor Eric Diller (MIE) is collaborating with medical researchers to develop dexterous, magnetically controlled microrobots that could perform minimally invasive brain surgery. (Photo: Tyler Irving)

U of T researchers are developing microrobots with unique dexterity capabilities. Controlled by magnetic fields, this technology is a departure from the rigid, wired designs of most micro-surgical tools, and could one day be used to perform minimally invasive brain surgery.

The research team is co-led by Engineering Professor Eric Diller (MIE) and Dr. James Drake of the Department of Surgery and Paediatric Neurosurgeon at The Hospital for Sick Children (SickKids).

“Advancing surgery through an endoscope in the paediatric brain requires miniaturized versatile tools which can be precisely controlled,” explains Drake. “This novel concept of using tiny, magnetized tools, controlled by robotic external magnets shows great promise in addressing this need for both paediatric and adult patients.”

Each year 24,000 malignant brain tumours are detected in the United States. These tumours are the most common form of solid cancer in children, and surgery to remove the tumour is often the first recommended course of treatment. The surgeries can be highly invasive with a long recovery process. In some cases, when surgery via endoscope is possible the tools may not be small or dexterous enough to perform the treatment.

Building on work by Drake and his team at the The Wilfred and Joyce Posluns Centre for Image Guided Innovation & Therapeutic Intervention (PCIGITI), Diller and Drake brainstormed ideas for a research collaboration. Diller pitched the idea of magnetically driven neurosurgical tools, and after securing funding from both the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) and the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) , the project took off.

Diller and his team have been developing a prototype with tiny grippers mounted on the end of a flexible wire ‘wrist’ and controlled by external magnetic fields. The tool features magnets on both the gripping forceps and the flexible wrist. As magnetic fields are applied, the tool will either open and close the grippers or move the wrist.

From Lim et al., “Design and Comparison of Magnetically-Actuated Dexterous Forceps Instruments for Neuroendoscopy,” IEEE Trans. Biomed. Eng. © 2021 IEEE

“For these surgical tools we’re working at a very challenging scale of around one- to five-millimetre parts, with some materials that don’t work well with micromachining processes,” says Cameron Forbrigger (MIE PhD Candidate). “As a result, we had to do a lot of the assembly of off-the-shelf magnets, plates, and wires by hand with a laser welding system. If you’re not careful, the titanium wires could disintegrate under the laser beam.”

In tests performed on a rubber model of the brain with a simulated tumour, the gripper was able to successfully enter the ventricles of the brain and remove the tumour, controlled completely by external magnetic fields.

The researchers are now working on a second prototype of the gripping tool that features a simpler design to allow for more control over the forceps. Compared to traditional surgical robot tools, which are about five millimetres across, these prototype magnetic tools are being developed to be half the size, while maintaining the same dexterity.

“Developing new technology for paediatric minimally invasive surgery, in this case neurosurgery, takes a collaborative team of engineers and surgeons. Our team from the Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering at U of T and PCIGITI at SickKids has been very successful in this regard,” says Drake.

There are still several steps to be taken before these microrobots are seen in the operating room. The team plans to create more tools, including micro scissors. They also need to determine the best way to generate magnetic fields in the operating room.

“Our next step will be to join our colleagues at SickKids for a simulation in vivo, which will provide the opportunity to see how these microrobots will function in the operating room, and to try different ways of setting up the magnetic coils,” says Diller.

-Published April 30, 2021 by Lynsey Mellon,

This U of T Engineering Mech grad is pioneering a ‘Jetsons-style’ personal aircraft

Kristina Menton (MechE 1T4 + PEY) next to two prototypes of the BlackFly. As the Director of Operations – Flight Testing & Propulsion Lead at Opener, she is a key member of the team bringing this electric-powered personal aerial vehicle to market. (Photo: Opener LLC)

Kristina Menton (MechE 1T4 + PEY) loves airports. 

“I love sitting in the midst of all the people and chaos, watching the airplanes take off,” she says. “I love everything about their aerodynamics, the beauty of the physics that make them fly.” 

Lately, Menton has been experiencing those aerodynamics in a whole new way. As Director of Operations – Flight Testing & Propulsion Lead at Opener, Menton is a key member of the team behind the BlackFly, an all-electric, one-passenger aircraft capable of vertical take-off and landing (VTOL).  

“It’s not a flying car, because it doesn’t have wheels and it can’t go on the road,” she says. “It is a personal aerial vehicle. It takes someone from point A to point B, through the sky.” 

Menton didn’t apply for a job at Opener — the company came looking for her while she was still an undergraduate. She already had experience with jet engines, having interned with Pratt & Whitney Canada through U of T Engineering’s Institute for Multidisciplinary Design & Innovation. But her new job was something else entirely. 

“I loved working in aerospace, but generally speaking, it’s a slow-moving industry,” she says. “What made this exciting was the chance to be at the leading edge of something new, which is electric aviation. I’m not someone who generally says no to a challenge.”

Kristina Menton. (Photo: Opener LLC)

At first the company was operating in stealth mode; Menton couldn’t even tell her friends and family what she was working on. Within a year, she was made Head of Propulsion. Soon after that, she got her first chance to take a test flight. 

“I had seen the aircraft fly autonomously for thousands of kilometres, so I knew it was safe,” she says. “I also spent a lot of time in the simulator, so the controls felt quite natural. I just sat back to enjoy the ride, which was even smoother than I expected. Being able to see 180 degrees across the horizon, to just float there in the air — it was a very enjoyable experience.” 

In the summer of 2018, the company launched its website, enabling potential customers to see the BlackFly in action for the first time. If all goes according to schedule, the first batch of vehicles will be for sale by the end of this year. 

Menton says that there is “no such thing as a typical day of the office” at Opener, and that every one of the company’s 50 employees needs to wear multiple hats.  

For example, in addition to her work on Propulsion DesignMenton recently took on the role of Flight Testing Coordinator. Managing field safety protocols, personnel and service schedules, hardware availability, and changing weather conditions across three test sites has been a challenge, but Menton says that time management is one of her strengths. 

“I remember when I was in first year, I found for the first time that I couldn’t do everything I wanted to,” she says. “I was working on problem sets with my classmates until 2 a.m., and then I had to be up for varsity basketball practice at 6 a.m.. You learn how to function under pressure, and how to get everything filed into slots throughout the day.” 

During her undergrad, she also managed to carve out time to participate in high school outreach programs for young women who may be considering engineering careers. In part, she was giving back in return for the mentorship she received from female professors such as Dean Emerita Cristina Amon (MIE) and Professor Jean Zu (MIE, now Dean of the Schaefer School of Engineering and Science at Stevens Institute of Technology).  

 Most recently, Menton’s status as a role model was strengthened by an appearance in the Changemakers issue of The Globe and Mail’s Report on Business magazine. And she’s not short of answers when asked what advice she would give to those who would follow in her footsteps. 

 “Learn to deal with failure. It’s going to happen, and it’s going to happen unexpectedly, but the ability to deal with that failure is what matters,” she says. 

 As you climb the ranks, you’ll notice fewer and fewer women around you. At those times, it’s important to speak your mind, to not take no for an answer and to find other women who can support you. I’ve had those mentors and I continue to find them now. They can help you keep pushing for what you actually want.” 

– This story was originally published on the University of Toronto’s Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering News Site on April 23, 2021 by Tyler Irving

Community Spotlight: Sophia Kurtz (MechE 2T1)

Picture of Sophia Kurtz and a photo of a drawing she did on a chalkboard.

Sophia Kurtz (left) and an example of her chalkboard art (right).

You may have encountered Sophia Kurtz’s (MechE 2T1) artwork on chalkboards in the Bahen Centre or maybe you’ve contributed to one of her sketchbooks filled with doodles from the Skule community. This week we chatted with Sophia to learn more about her lifelong hobby and the relationships she has built through her artwork.

“Drawing has been a lifelong hobby for me; I love challenging myself to learn new techniques or use a different medium,” Sophia said, “I have stacks of full sketchbooks and it’s really satisfying to look back and see how much I’ve learned over the years.”

For Sophia, drawing is more than just a creative outlet. She finds it helps her focus to have a pen and paper nearby to doodle during lectures. Throughout her time at MIE, she has used art as a way to connect with those around her and build a sense of community.

“I started a bit of a project in MIE where I would ask one of my peers or even a professor to add a doodle to my sketchbook and then I would transform it into something else. It was a really fun way to connect with my community and get out of my shell a little bit,” Sophia said, “I have a lot of appreciation for everyone who contributed– it’s a great keepsake to take on from my time at university.”

Professor Sinclair’s doodle transformed by Sophia.

Over the past year Sophia still managed to connect with others over art virtually. She hosted virtual art events on behalf of the Visual Arts Society every Friday from 5-6 pm.

“It was a lot of fun being able to share what we were working on and to just have some time at the end of the week to relax and work on art,” said Sophia.

Sophia encourages everyone to allow their creative side to take over every now and then.

“It’s great stress relief and allows for some much-needed time away from screens. Everyone can draw, you just need a pen or pencil and some paper. Don’t be discouraged if it doesn’t go as planned, the real beauty is in your growth as an artist and not the final product.”

You can see more of Sophia’s artwork on her Instagram account: @swimmingsofafishy.

We want to get to know you! Do you have a story to share with the MIE community? Reach out to to be featured in the Community Spotlight.

-Published April 20, 2021 by Lynsey Mellon,

IndE Student Jack Berkshire receives Silver T for outstanding athletic performance

The University of Toronto recognized 20 Varsity Blues student-athletes with Silver T awards on Monday, April 12.

The prestigious Silver T is awarded to Bronze T holders in their graduating year for outstanding athletic performance.

In years past, the awards were handed out at the annual President’s Reception, however, the University of Toronto campuses remain closed as we play our part to ensure the health and wellbeing of our community during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Nevertheless, U of T President Meric Gertler understands and values the exceptional accomplishments and contributions of these U of T students to the university and Varsity Blues program.

Jack Berkshire – Track & Field 

Jack Berkshire is a four-time OUA all-star and three-time U SPORTS all-Canadian over four seasons with the Varsity Blues track and field team. The native of Fredericton kicked off his U of T career with a bang, helping the Blues 4×400 relay team win OUA gold and 4×200 relay team win the U SPORTS title in 2017. After earning two silver medals in both relays at both the provincial and national championships in 2018, Berkshire was a driving force between U of T’s best team finish since 1994-95 in 2019. The industrial engineering major claimed the OUA silver and U SPORTS bronze medal in the 600m event, while also earning a national bronze medal in

the 4×400 relay as Toronto finished second overall at both the OUA and U SPORTS championships.  Berkshire capped off his career with an individual gold-medal finish in the 600m at the 2020 OUA championships. He earned three other medals that year, including the OUA 300m bronze, U SPORTS 4×400 silver and U SPORTS 600m bronze.

View the full list of recipients on the Varsity Blues website.

MechE student Kathy Cheng receives PEY Co-Op Student of the Year Award

The Engineering Career Centre’s PEY Co-op Awards was created to celebrate the industry partners and students who continue to make PEY Co-op a success.

The PEY Co-op Student of the Year Award recognizes a PEY Co-op student that demonstrated excellence in the workplace as an outstanding member of the employer’s team. Employers nominate students for this award.

Kathy Cheng

PEY Co-op Employer:  Scotiabank

Kathy Cheng (Mech 2T0+PEY) completed her PEY Co-op term as a Trade Floor Technology Consultant at Scotiabank to learn more about user-acceptability with new technologies. The invaluable skills she gained as an engineering student allowed her to easily identify operational processes within Scotiabank that could be improved with innovative solutions. Kathy made the most out of her undergraduate experience, which involved winning three national titles with the UofT Varsity Blues Cheerleading Team, leading a multidisciplinary capstone team to design a human-powered water purification device for disaster-affected communities, and completing an undergraduate thesis that is the first to investigate team assemblies in a collaborative computer-aided design environment, supervised by Professor Alison Olechowski (MIE, ILead). This September, Kathy will be returning to UofT as a MASc candidate in Mechanical Engineering with Ready Lab, to continue her research in collaborative design. After graduation, she hopes to pursue a career in product design engineering.

Learn more about the 2019-2020 PEY Co-Op awards and view the full list of award recipients on the Engineering Career Centre website.

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