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New contaminant-tolerant catalyst could help capture carbon directly from smokestacks

MIE PhD students Rui Kai (Ray) Miao (left) and Panos Papangelakis (right) hold up a new catalyst they designed to convert captured CO2 gas into valuable products. Their version performs well even in the presence of sulphur dioxide, a contaminant that poisons other catalysts. (photo by Tyler Irving)

A newly designed catalyst created by U of T Engineering researchers efficiently converts captured carbon into valuable products — even in the presence of a contaminant that degrades the performance of current versions. 

The discovery is an important step toward more economically favourable techniques for carbon capture and storage that could be added on to existing industrial processes. 

“Today, we have more and better options for low-carbon electricity generation than ever before,” says Professor David Sinton (MIE), senior author on a paper published in Nature Energy that describes the new catalyst. 

“But there are other sectors of the economy that will be harder to decarbonize: for example, steel and cement manufacturing. To help those industries, we need to invent cost-effective ways to capture and upgrade the carbon in their waste streams.” 

Sinton and his team use devices known as electrolyzers to convert CO2 and electricity into products such as ethylene and ethanol. These carbon-based molecules can be sold as fuels or used as chemical feedstocks for making everyday items such as plastic. 

Inside the electrolyzer, the conversion reaction happens when three elements — CO2 gas, electrons and a water-based liquid electrolyte — come together on the surface of a solid catalyst. 

The catalyst is often made of copper but may also contain other metals or organic compounds that can further improve the system. Its function is to speed up the reaction and minimize the creation of undesirable side products, such as hydrogen gas, which reduce the efficiency of the overall process. 

While many teams around the world have produced high-performing catalysts, nearly all of them are designed to operate with a pure CO2 feed. But if the carbon in question comes from smokestacks, the feed is likely to be anything but pure. 

“Catalyst designers generally don’t like dealing with impurities, and for good reason,” says Panos Papangelakis, a PhD student in mechanical engineering and one of five co-lead authors on the new paper. 

“Sulphur oxides, such as SO2, poison the catalyst by binding to the surface. This leaves fewer sites for CO2 to react, and it also causes the formation of chemicals you don’t want. 

“It happens really fast: whereas some catalysts can last hundreds of hours on a pure feed, if you introduce these impurities, within minutes they can be down to 5% efficiency.” 

Though there are well-established methods to remove impurities from CO2-rich exhaust gases before feeding them into the electrolyzer, they take time, require energy and raise the cost of carbon capture and upgrading. Furthermore, in the case of SO2, even a little bit can be a big problem. 

“Even if you bring your exhaust gas down to less than 10 parts per million, or 0.001% of the feed, the catalyst can still be poisoned in under 2 hours,” says Papangelakis. 

In the paper, the team describes how they went about designing a more resilient catalyst that could stand up to SO2 by making two key changes to a typical copper-based catalyst. 

On one side, they added a thin layer of polyteterafluoroethylene, also known as Teflon. This non-stick material changes the chemistry at the catalyst surface, impeding the reactions that enable SO2 poisoning to take place.

On the other side, they added a layer of Nafion, an electrically-conductive polymer often used in fuel cells. This complex, porous material contains some areas that are hydrophilic, meaning they attract water, as well as other areas that are hydrophobic, meaning they repel water. This structure makes it difficult for SO2 to reach the catalyst surface.  

The team then fed this catalyst with a mix of CO2 and SO2, with the latter at a concentration of about 400 parts per million, typical of an industrial waste stream. Even under these tough conditions, the new catalyst performed well. 

“In the paper, we report a Faraday efficiency — a measure of how many of the electrons ended up in the desired products — of 50%, which we were able to maintain for 150 hours,” says Papangelakis. 

“There are some catalysts out there that might start at a higher efficiency, maybe 75% or 80%. But again, if you expose them to SO2, within minutes or at most a couple of hours, that drops down to almost nothing. We were able to resist that.” 

Papangelakis says that because his team’s approach doesn’t affect the composition of the catalyst itself, it should be widely applicable. In other words, teams that have already perfected high-performing catalysts should be able to use similar coatings to confer resistance to sulphur oxide poisoning. 

Although sulphur oxides are the most challenging impurity in typical waste streams, they are not the only ones, and it’s the full set of chemical contaminants that the team is turning to next. 

“There are lots of other impurities to consider, such as nitrogen oxides, oxygen, etc.,” says Papangelakis. 

“But the fact that this approach works so well for sulphur oxides is very promising. Before this work, it was just taken for granted that you’d have to remove the impurities before upgrading CO2. What we’ve shown is that there might be a different way to deal with them, which opens up a lot of new possibilities.” 

– This story was originally published on the University of Toronto’s Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering News Site on July 4, 2024, by Tyler Irving.



Professor Enid Montague named new director of the Black Research Network

Professor Enid Montague (MIE) joined U of T Engineering in 2022. (photo by Safa Jinje

Professor Enid Montague (MIE) has been named the new director of the Black Research Network (BRN), a University of Toronto Institutional Strategic Initiative (ISI) launched in October 2021.

Montague, whose research is focused on human factors engineering, will serve a three-year term effective July 1, 2024.

She succeeds Rhonda McEwen, president and vice-chancellor of Victoria University at U of T, who has served as the BRN’s interim director since August 2023.

“I’m honoured to take on the role as the BRN’s new director,” Montague says.

“During the last three years, the BRN has provided its members with incredible opportunities to accelerate their research. It also plays a prominent role in contributing to establishing collaborations, both within the university and its partners.

“I greatly look forward to continuing to build upon this foundation, with new partnerships and opportunities to support the current and next generation of researchers.”

With expertise in human-automation interaction in health care, Montague’s research highlights how new technologies can be used to address inefficiencies and inequities in health care systems, with a focus on increasing access to healthcare.

Montague joined U of T Engineering in 2022 from DePaul University, where she was an associate professor, leading its master of science in health informatics program. Prior to DePaul University, Montague spent almost a decade at Northwestern University as an adjunct associate professor in the Feinberg School of Medicine and McCormick School of Engineering.

Montague has received numerous awards, including an early-career research award from the National Institutes of Health and the Anna Julia Cooper Fellowship. In 2018, she was awarded a Fulbright Award, where she continued research dedicated to improving health-care systems in the United Kingdom.

Montague is also the director of MIE’s Wellness and Health Enhancement Engineering Laboratory (WHEEL), a research group that uses experimental and design methods to understand human-automation interaction.

“I am delighted that Enid will be taking on the BRN’s directorship,” says McEwen, a member of the BRN’s steering committee.

“Enid’s background in engaging with research communities internationally makes them the perfect candidate to lead the BRN as it continues to empower Black researchers to advance knowledge across various disciplines and positions itself as a leading academic research network promoting Black research excellence in Canada.”

As the BRN’s director, Montague will lead the ISI into its new strategic vision. This includes introducing mentorship initiatives to support its members. Montague will also focus on forging international and community partnerships, set to facilitate knowledge exchange, collaboration and opportunities for joint research endeavours.

The first initiative of its kind in Canada, the BRN currently has 228 members at U of T. Now in its fourth year, the ISI has established multiple efforts to advance research support and leadership, with three new research initiatives launched in the past year: the inaugural BRN Faculty Fellows program and two new BRN academic roles under the Black Indigenous Waterways program — a $70,000 postdoctoral fellowship and $10,000 Artist-in-Residence position.

In addition to advancing research agendas, Montague says that she looks forward to continuing to foster community engagement and visibility for Black scholars across the tri-campus.

“The BRN has played a vital role in acting as a meeting place to help Black faculty, librarians and students across the tri-campus connect and find community. This is something that will only get stronger as the network deepens its mission and explores new possibilities,” Montague says.

– This story was originally published on the University of Toronto’s Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering News Site on July 2, 2024, by Tina Adamopoulos.

MIE graduands Peter Serles and Selena Lombardi featured in U of T Engineering Grads to Watch 2024

With U of T Engineering’s convocation ceremonies on June 18, 2024, our students mark the end of one journey and the beginning of another.

Having enriched the U of T Engineering community as undergraduate and graduate students, they will join our vibrant, global network of Skule™ alumni, where they will continue to address pressing challenges around the world and inspire the next generation.

Among this year’s 14 Engineering Grads to Watch, MIE graduands Peter Serles and Selena Lombardi embody the spirit of U of T Engineering. Their stories illustrate the creativity, innovation and global impact that define our community. Watch their next steps!


Peter Serles (MIE MASc 1T9, MIE PhD 2T4)

Peter Serles. (Photo by Dewey Chang)

Serles’ research in nanomechanics and nanomaterials took on many shapes during his time at U of T.

“The crowning piece of my thesis was using machine learning combined with nanoscale 3D printing to design a material that weighs as much as Styrofoam but has the strength of structural steel,” he says.

The versatile applications of this work brought Serles to South Korea, where he collaborated with the Korean Advanced Institute of Science and Technology. He also held two visiting scientist positions at Rice University in Houston, Texas, and in Lyon, France, working with the French Space Agency.

Serles was the recipient of a Vanier Canada Scholarship and a Connaught PhD for Public Impact Fellowship, and he will receive the Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering PhD Gold Medal at convocation. He was also recently recognized for his leadership and volunteer service, which included his contributions as the only graduate student representative on the President’s advisory committee for the appointment of Vice-President and Provost of the university.

Still, it was his experiences as a course instructor for an undergraduate mechanical engineering design course that helped cement his ambition for the future.

“It was a really rewarding experience to work with a class of 200 students and see the way certain concepts clicked in their minds as they progressed through the term,” he says. “I would love to continue my career in academia. I love research and love teaching in parallel.”

This summer, Serles, will begin his postdoctoral research at the California Institute of Technology, where he will work under the supervision of Professor Julia Greer. The position is supported by a Schmidt Science Fellowship, for which Peter was one of 32 fellows selected worldwide.

“The Schmidt fellowship lets me be ambitious and high-risk, so I plan to pivot into the biomedical and neuroscience space and use my expertise in nano-scale 3D printing to build scaffolds that stem cells can grow on,” Serles says.

“My goal is to build up my expertise in entirely new areas that I can bring back to Canada when I pursue a professorship.”

I want to thank my supervisor, Professor Tobin Filleter (MIE), for being a mentor and a friend through six-and-a-half, very challenging years. We’ve gone out to eat new things in South Korea together and we were at a conference when the Raptors won the NBA championship. We’ve had many awesome experiences and it’s been such a great opportunity to get to work with and learn from him.”


Selena Lombardi (IndE 2T3 + PEY)

Selena Lombardi. (Photo submitted)

“My time at U of T has been full of self-discovery,” Lombardi says.

Being a part of the Skule™ community has empowered Lombardi to explore new interests while delving deeper into the topics that drew her to pursue industrial engineering.

As co-director of the brand growth and content team at You’re Next Career Network (YNCN), she supported U of T students on their professional development journey. She also collaborated on the team’s inclusivity and accessibility initiative, dedicated to enhancing professional development opportunities for underrepresented students.

As part of the U of T Varsity Blues dance team, she competed in three dance competitions each year against teams from Canadian universities. She also volunteers at the adaptive dance program at Canada’s National Ballet School.

“Dance was a big part of my life growing up, so being able to continue my artistic passions while studying was very important to me,” she says. “I dance up to seven hours per week rehearsing routines and taking classes.

“It may seem like a lot, but dance always gave me the much-needed break I sometimes needed away from studying.”

During her undergraduate studies, Lombardi worked as a summer research assistant at the Human Factors & Applied Statistics Lab, under the supervision of Professor Birsen Donmez (MIE). Her experience studying the effects of distractions in the surgical environment helped her develop the research and analytical skills required for her PEY Co-op role at the University Health Network’s Healthcare Human Factors.

This fall, Lombardi will begin a master’s of applied science at U of T under the supervision of Professors Enid Montague (MIE) and Joe Cafazzo, at the Dalla Lana School of Public Health. Her project will investigate the implementation of artificial intelligence and digital technologies to mitigate the effects of heart failure in Uganda.

“Throughout my degree, I have realized my passion towards solving global health development problems,” she says. “I now aspire to help develop equitable strategies, programs and policies for underserved communities to achieve their full health potential.”

There are so many people who have helped shape me into the person that I am today, and I owe a debt of gratitude to them. This includes, but is not limited to: Professors Birsen Donmez, Enid Montague, and Michael Gruninger (all MIE); my friends and classmates who have been by my side since first year; and members of YNCN and the U of T Varsity Blues dance team. Most of all, thank you to my family for believing in me through every rejection, failure, success and trial of my mental health journey. I will do my best to support others to achieve their best potential, just like you have done for me.


– This story was a part of the article originally published on the University of Toronto’s Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering News Site, by Safa Jinje & Rebecca Cheung.

U of T Engineering team finalists in NRCan’s Oil Spill Response Challenge

Professor Amy Bilton (MIE) and her research team have advanced to the final stage of Natural Resources Canada’s (NRCan) Oil Spill Challenge. The team has been awarded $1.3M from the challenge so far to develop and test their prototype. The research team that wins the final stage will receive an additional $2M in funding to commercialize their technology.  

From left to right: Professor Amy Bilton (MIE), Calvin Rieder (MIE MASc graduate and research engineer), Puwaner Gou (MIE PhD student), Nitish Sarker (MIE postdoctoral associate) and Jordan Bouchard (research scientist, not pictured), are members of the Water and Energy Research Laboratory. The team is seen with the Frodo prototype and samples of their engineered foam, which is used as the treatment media. They are proceeding to the final stage of the challenge. (photo courtesy of Monisha Naik).

More than 4 million barrels of oil are transported through Canada daily. With coastline surpassing 240,000 km and more than 890,000 km of freshwater systems across the country, effective oil spill response is critical in protecting diverse ecosystems and communities. Through the Oil Spill Response Challenge, the Government of Canada is investing $10M in the development of innovative and rapidly deployable solutions to oil spill detection, response, and recovery in Canada’s aquatic environments.   

Currently, when a spill occurs, response vessels gather the oil with large, floating barriers called booms and suck oil and water into the hold of the ship using a skimmer. Once collected, typically around 25% of the mixture is oil and the remaining 75% is water with small trace amounts of oil. The ships offload the entire load of water and oil to a land-based facility for treatment, creating a bottleneck in operations since 75% of water is not yet safe to be released back into the environment.   

Bilton’s proposed solution is FRODO, a foam-based reclamation of the decanted oily water system. This system allows for in-situ — on-the-ship  treatment of the contaminated water stored in response vessels through an engineered polymer foam filter. The polymer foam filter can be compared to a specialized kitchen sponge that allows water to pass through and siphons off the small oil particles present. This filter and treatment system would clean the contaminated water on the ship so that water is safe to release back into the environment, allowing these vessels to collect significantly more oil in a more time-efficient manner, minimizing environmental impacts.  

A FRODO prototype unit showing the canisters that hold the foam filter allowing water to pass through and discharge back into the environment. (photo courtesy of Amy Bilton)

“We’re both engineering the foam material and developing the treatment process to fill in a gap in current oil spill operations,” says Bilton. “We aim to increase the amount of oil these vessels can collect by a factor of four.”  

Assessing the environmental impact is another key part of this research. Canada has a zero-discharge policy, meaning no oil can be present in water when discharging it back into our water systems. These regulations vary by country. Norway, for example, requires the amount of oil in the discharge to be less than 15 parts per million. Bilton and her team are running a parallel project funded through NRCan’s Multi-partner Research Initiative to understand the environmental impact and considerations of implementing this in-situ treatment process.   

Bilton’s team is one of the five finalists moving on to Stage 3 of the competition with the winner set to be announced in winter of 2025. At this stage, the team has one year to accelerate, scale and test their prototype in preparation for commercialization.   

“We are in the testing phase now and are planning large-scale simulations at our Ohmset partner facility in New Jersey,” says Bilton.   

Additionally, the team is partnering with the West and East Coast Marine Response Corporation, VPC Group, and Urethane Sciences to ensure their system is scalable and can be manufactured. The current prototype is significantly smaller — around one metre in size — than what the final system will be. Ensuring the engineered polymer foam and other materials can be manufactured and meet strict requirements are top of mind at this stage of the challenge.   

“Our goal is that this system can be deployed quickly and effectively to improve oil spill response across Canada, and potentially in other parts of the world,” says Bilton. 


– This story was originally published on the University of Toronto’s Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering News Site on June 17, 2024, by Selah Katona.

U of T Engineering grad ‘moves mountains’ to earn degree

Vishakha Pujari (IndE 2T3 + PEY) is profoundly committed to paying it forward.

The first student at the University of Toronto to be supported by a Karta Catalyst Scholarship, Pujari arrived at U of T in 2019 from the small Indian village of Walandi — about a five-hour drive from Hyderabad — to study industrial engineering in the Faculty of Applied Science & Engineering.

In addition to her schoolwork, she found time to host workshops for students from her high school and even donated some of her scholarship money back to the Karta Initiative — an organization dedicated to providing equitable access to higher education to India’s low-income rural youth.

“If I am getting something, I should make sure I am giving back,” Pujari says.

Vishakha Pujari, who receives her bachelor’s degree in applied science on June 18, shows off the iron ring that’s often worn by engineering graduates (photo courtesy of Vishakha Pujari)

On June 18, Pujari is set to cross the stage in Convocation Hall — and then head back to her new job as a software design analyst in Montreal. While her parents are unable to attend due to the cost of flying to Toronto, they hope to watch the convocation livestream. Pujari, meanwhile, says she plans to meet up with her mentors at U of T and possibly have dinner with friends.

Reflecting on her time at U of T, which included a one-year Professional Experience Year Co-op (PEY Co-op), she recalls the initial culture shock of moving from Walandi to Toronto — a city that she had never visited before.

“It was the second time I was on a flight,” she says. “I’m from a village, so we don’t see many tall buildings there. My residence had 28 floors, so it was all a new experience.”

Pujari grew up the youngest of three siblings on her family’s sugarcane and soybean farm. She learned the value of hard work from her parents, who woke up at 5 a.m. each day to tend to their land before going to neighboring farms to earn extra money.

When she was 12, she attended a government-run school, located about 80 kilometers from Walandi, and spent nine months of the year living on the campus — a long period of separation from her parents.

Pujari first learned about the Karta Initiative when she was 16, and she says the program’s emphasis on integrity, perseverance, and community service resonated deeply.

She became a member after undergoing a rigorous selection process and, over the course of two years, received mentorship, academic support, and opportunities for personal development.

Receiving her acceptance to U of T and the Karta Catalyst Scholarship was a life-changing moment — one that meant all her hard work and sacrifices paid off.

“It was really exciting and scary,” she says. “My parents were really happy because no one from our village has gone to study at a foreign university.”

Karta Scholars receive funding for tuition and living expenses, personal and professional development, internship placements and career transition support. In addition to working with their academic advisers, scholars are also connected with a faculty mentor and participate in numerous enrichment activities with other scholarship students at U of T.

Although she was accustomed to living apart from her family, being in Toronto brought new challenges.

“The classes I was used to had no more than 40 students,” she says. “When I came here, I was like, ‘Oh my God, there are so many people.’ For a moment, I was like, ‘Am I an introvert?’”

She worried that her English-speaking skills weren’t up to par.

“It was exciting to meet students from different countries, but at the same time overwhelming,” she says.

She also had to overcome challenges related to COVID-19 restrictions, which left her unable to travel back to India to see her parents and siblings for three years.

Pujari found guidance and reassurance in the form of mentors. In her first year, she met Joseph Wong, U of T’s vice-president, international, and a professor in the department of political science and the Munk School of Global Affairs & Public Policy in the Faculty of Arts & Science, and the two kept in touch throughout Pujari’s time at U of T.

The two would discuss everything from challenges Pujari was facing to her future plans — which she says may include pursuing a master’s in business administration and starting her own business.

“Her resilience is so impressive,” Wong says, noting the many obstacles Pujari overcame to become a U of T student. “It’s pretty incredible what she’s done, and to hear now that she’s graduating and has a job lined up is really gratifying.”

Pujari also received mentorship from Chirag Variawa (ISTEP), director, first-year curriculum and a teaching stream professor at U of T Engineering. He says her “unbridled curiosity, determination and intelligence” is nothing short of inspirational.

“Over the years, I’ve seen her grow into a professional who moves mountains not just with the strength of her character, but the goodness of her heart as well — and that’s exactly what the world needs,” he says.

Through it all, Pujari says her family has been among her biggest supporters.

“My father used to come with me to workshops in Mumbai, which is 12 hours away from our village,” she says. “My sister was also really supportive and helped me with my English.”

“They’re really excited and happy I’m graduating.”


– This story was originally published on the University of Toronto’s Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering News Site on June 13, 2024, by Mariam Matti.


The Department of Mechanical & Industrial Engineering and the University of Toronto hosted the annual CSME/CFD conference from May 26-29, 2024.  Guests from across Canada came to participate in the three-day conference, which saw 400 presentations, five plenary, and six keynote talks take place in Myhal and Bahan centers.  Members of the Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering (CSME) and the CFD Society of Canada came together to exchange current research results and strengthen ties among their colleagues, collaborators, and mentors.

 “We had overwhelming interest and engagement with guests wishing to take part in CSME/CFD 2024”, says Markus Bussmann, Professor and Chair of MIE, Professor Fae Azhari, and Professor Clinton Groth, the Co-Chairs of the conference. “Over 500 attendees actively participated in the three days, resulting in strong connections and advancements throughout the numerous research areas.”

MIE Professor and Chair, Co-Chair of the CSME/CFD conference giving a speech.

A highlight of the conference was a banquet held on Tuesday night, May 28th, which included an award ceremony. MIE’s very own Professor Ali Dolatabadi received the CSME C.N. Downing Award in recognition of his sustained and impactful contributions and Professor Patrick Lee was made a CSME Fellow.

MIE Professor Ali Dolatabadi received the CSME C.N. Downing Award.

Thank you to all who participated in the CSME/CFD 2024 conference and we look forward to the 2025 conference, happening in Montreal, QC.

To view the photos taken at the banquet, please visit our Flickr.


-Published on June 7th, 2024 by Kendra Hunter.

MIE Student awarded with Data Science Institute Doctoral Student Fellowship

Rob (Hongbo) Chen, a PhD student with MIE, is the recipient of a prestigious Data Sciences Institute (DSI) Doctoral Student Fellowship. Chen receives this award to support his interdisciplinary training and collaborative research in data sciences to address and drive positive social change.

Rob (Hongbo) Chen, MIE PhD candidate, is the recipient of the DSI Doctoral Student Fellowship this year.

The DSI Fellowship will allow Chen to focus on his research where the primary objective is to optimize patient safety event report classification systems and provide improved patient-centered care. The Fellowship amount of $25,000 per year minimizes financial constraints and offers a wealth of academic and professional development opportunities within data science communities.

“Adverse events attributed to patient safety challenges are the third leading cause of death in the world, resulting in 251,454 deaths annually in the United States alone”, says Chen, whose research aims to synthesize human-centered design principles with artificial intelligence (AI) to improve patient safety.

“The possibility of using AI to create more reliable and user-friendly incident reporting systems is a very real solution to the current challenges healthcare professionals face with complex classification taxonomy and the consequences of misclassified incident reports.”

The interest in the intersection of human-centered design and AI has inspired Chen to explore ways to make a tangible impact on patient safety in healthcare. Guided by his supervisors Dr. Myrtede Alfred and Dr. Eldan Cohen, Chen drove this initial curiosity into his current research focus. Enhancing the classification of patient safety event reports through AI could lead to substantial improvements in clinical outcomes, and the DSI Fellowship further fuels Chen’s commitment to engage in this area of research.

Chen learned of the Fellowship opportunity from Professor Alfred and Professor Cohen who recognized the synergy between his research and the DSI’s emphasis on interdisciplinary research in data sciences. DSI’s commitment to fostering innovation at the confluence of diverse fields inspired Chen to apply, and receiving this award fits strategically with his goals and provides an environment where his work on integrating human-centered design with AI can flourish.

Ultimately, Chen aims to contribute to the Institute’s mission of tackling complex data-driven issues within healthcare and beyond through his research.


-Published on June 4, 2024, by Kendra Hunter

Professor Timothy Chan receives 2024 U of T President’s Teaching Award

Professor Timothy Chan (MIE) is among the recipients of the 2024 U of T President’s Teaching Awards. (photo by Daria Perevezentsev)

Professor Timothy Chan (MIE) is among the recipients of the 2024 U of T President’s Teaching Awards. (photo by Daria Perevezentsev)

When Professor Timothy Chan (MIE) thinks about his impact as an industrial engineering teacher, he is proud of consistently getting his students excited about the material, whether it is optimization, analytics or operations research.

“The courses I have taught have long histories with broad applications,” he says. “I try to teach students the fundamentals and motivate them to study the topics further so they can gain the practical skills to apply what they have learned in their subsequent work or research.”

In the past, he has found creative ways to motivate his students, including designing a software game modelled after the game show Deal or No Deal. Learning classroom concepts through play allowed his students to become enthusiastic about topics such as probability, expected values and decision making under uncertainty.

“My students would get hyped up and competitive. For many of them, it was the first time they were able to apply these concepts in real life,” says Chan, who holds the Canada Research Chair in Novel Optimization and Analytics in Health.

“It was rewarding to see them so engaged and driven by their course work.”

This commitment to teaching and mentorship has earned Chan a 2024 U of T President’s Teaching Award. This is the highest honour for teaching at the University of Toronto, as the award recognizes faculty members who demonstrate a substantial commitment to teaching innovation and excellence.

“I like to teach the way I would want to be taught myself,” he says. “I remember taking many theoretical math courses during my undergraduate studies in applied mathematics where the topics could be a bit dry since we could not see the real-world application of the work we were doing.

“But I had some great professors who made the course work memorable by injecting humour and showing their passion for what they were teaching. That helped me fall in love with that type of work.”

As a mentor, Chan aims to help students achieve their career goals after graduation, whether it is guiding undergraduates through research or helping PhD students secure faculty or industry positions.

“I am very proud of my track record, which includes having many of my former PhD students, teaching assistants and postdoctoral fellows attain faculty positions at universities around the world,” says Chan.

One of these former students is Christopher Sun (EngSci 1T3 + PEY, MIE PhD 1T9), a professor at the University of Ottawa Telfer School of Management and a scientist at the University of Ottawa Heart Institute.

“Professor Chan’s mentorship was a transformative experience that extended beyond the classroom,” says Sun, who holds the Canada Research Chair in Data Analytics for Health Systems Transformation.

“His creative approach to motivating students from diverse backgrounds, coupled with his exceptional work ethic and ability to connect theoretical intricacies with practical applications, has profoundly influenced me.

“His guidance in tackling complex challenges in health care was a cornerstone of my success during my graduate studies and continues to inspire me to this day. His dedication to his students, myself included, and his efforts to build a community of lifelong learners are truly remarkable.”

When Professor Janet Lam (MIE) was a teaching assistant (TA) for one of Chan’s courses, one of the most impactful parts of her experience was the weekly teaching team meeting, which was administrative but ensured that the tutorials and lectures were synchronized.

“Professor Chan used these team meetings to model teaching excellence: he explained his rationale in pedagogical decisions and coached us graduate students to become excellent educators in our own rights,” says Lam, who is now a teaching-stream professor in the Department of Mechanical & Industrial Engineering.

“By leveraging the creativity of the graduate students, a robust body of teaching content was generated, and the TAs got a true sense of ownership in the course.”

Chan’s impact is now experienced by a new generation, says Lam, as she teaches her own courses and mirrors many of the strategies he used when they worked together.

“I also meet with my TAs and give my own rationale for my pedagogical choices, encouraging them to think critically about their teaching philosophies,” she says.

“I still reflect on the time we worked together, now transitioning my strategies to become a better coach of the next generation of educators, beyond classroom excellence.”

While Chan’s administrative role as U of T’s associate vice-president and vice-provost, strategic initiatives, and his focus on the research conducted in his Applied Optimization Lab, has reduced his teaching schedule, he continues to be active in mentoring undergraduate and graduate students. He is also presently writing a book on the Markov decision process that will be used as a teaching resource.

“If you look at all the past winners of the U of T President’s Teaching Award, there have been so many tremendous teachers and mentors at the university who’ve been recognized, I’m very proud to be among this group,” he says.

“It’s also very gratifying to know that my teaching has made an impact on the lives of the students I’ve taught and mentored.”

“Professor Chan is not only an internationally revered researcher, challenging complex decision-making problems that advance healthy societies — his impact also extends across our university, through his tremendous leadership of the cross-divisional, tri-campus Institutional Strategic Initiatives portfolio,” says Christopher Yip, Dean of U of T Engineering.

“His impact as a teacher is one more way that he is inspiring the next generation of engineering leaders to drive innovation and redefine our field.

“On behalf of the entire faculty, congratulations on this well-earned honour and induction into the President’s Teaching Academy.”

– This story was originally published on the University of Toronto’s Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering News Site on May 27, 2024, by Safa Jinje.

U of T Engineering Student Introduced a Car Door Design to Reduce Cyclist Collision on Podcast NEWSTALK1010

MIE students Joseph Halliday, Aigne Mcgeady-Bruce, Michael Nawrot, and Brandon Raftis worked on their 2024 Capstone Project, “Car Door Design to Reduce Cyclist Collision”, which was highlighted by NEWSTALK1010 Podcast.


In the NEWSTALK1010 Podcast published on May 21st, U of T engineering student Aigne McGeady-Bruce discussed the innovative project of his team aimed at reducing cyclist collisions. For their 2024 Capstone program, McGeady-Bruce and his team have developed a car door design to prevent cyclists from being struck by doors opening from parked vehicles, a frequent and dangerous occurrence known as “dooring.”

Dooring incidents pose a significant threat to cyclists, especially with the rise of rideshare services like Uber and Lyft, which frequently stop to let passengers out. McGeady-Bruce’s team tackled this issue by creating a vision system that can detect approaching cyclists and prevent doors from opening if a cyclist is in the vicinity.

The core of the device is a sensor system with a field of view covering 10 meters in length and 1.8 meters in width, the standard width of a bike lane in Ontario. This sensor is strategically mounted on the bottom corner of the vehicle’s side mirror, providing optimal coverage to detect oncoming cyclists from both sides of the vehicle. The vision system employs the Faster Objects More Objects (FOMO) vision model, horizontal distance detection, and consecutive detection filtering to accurately identify cyclists and prevent accidents.

The team’s final prototype managed to prevent the door from opening when a cyclist is detected and could reliably reduce dooring incidents, offering a promising solution to enhance urban cycling safety in the future.


-Published by Sherry Wang on May 21, 2024.

The 2023-2024 MIE Capstone Design Showcase Honours and Awards Innovative Student Projects

The end of term saw fourth-year Mechanical and Industrial Engineering students culminate their year-long Capstone Design projects at the annual MIE Capstone Design Showcase. A total of 80 teams, comprising over 330 students, presented their prototypes, posters, and final recommendations to faculty and industry clients at Hart House. The caliber of projects was outstanding and offered innovative solutions to all of the clients involved with some of those projects receiving awards. The MIE490 and MIE491 award winners are listed below.

Team Safran2 (Samantha Butt, Lydia Callender, Jeremy Mainella and Ana Vukojevic) won the 1st Place Capstone Design Project Award (Mechanical) and John H. Weber Scholarship

1st Place Capstone Design Project Award (Mechanical) and John H. Weber Scholarship

Project Title: Adaptive Landing Gear for Helicopters / Project Supervisor: Professor Matthew Mackay

SAFRAN Landing Systems wanted to design a safer way for rescue helicopters to land on steep terrain and team members Samantha Butt, Lydia Callender, Jeremy Mainella, and Ana Vukojevic delivered. The result is “AeroFlex” – an innovative flexure-based landing gear prototype that is lightweight and adapts to a 20-degree sloped terrain. Rescue helicopters can perform safer and more efficient maneuvers in mountainous terrain in response to the thousands of calls the Canada National Search & Rescue program receives each year.

Team Mott MacDonald (Varun Kamboj, Mika Sustar, Marzuk Khan, and Matin Sarahi) won 1st Place Capstone Design Project Award (Industrial) and Peri Family Industrial Engineering Design Award

1st Place Capstone Design Project Award (Industrial) and Peri Family Industrial Engineering Design Award

Project Title: InfraPOV: Infrastructure Public Opinion Visualizer / Project Supervisor: Professor Scott Sanner

Numerous stakeholders participate in the development of large-scale infrastructure projects. Mott MacDonald wanted to move away from the industry standard of manually evaluating comments and concerns to provide their clients with more accurate data to reflect constituent voices. Enter “InfraPOV: Infrastructure Public Opinion Visualizer” a design by Capstone team Varun Kamboj, Mika Sustar, Marzuk Khan, and Matin Sarahi, which leverages Large Language Model technology to sum up and categorize huge swaths of data from unstructured comments. Time spent analyzing stakeholder data was reduced by 95%, offering Mott MacDonald a more efficient way to extract insights from public opinion and provide clients with meaningful solutions.

Team ATOMS (Daniel Lee, John Abellanoza, Noah D’Emilio, and Mitchell Chong) won 2nd Place Capstone Design Project Award in Mechanical Engineering

Team Grandview Kids (Max Beggs, Claire Shaw, and Jose Pablo Siliézar) won 2nd Place Capstone Design Project Award in Industrial Engineering


2nd Place Capstone Design Project Award (Mechanical & Industrial)

Project Title: Thermal Characterization and Simulation Framework of Large-Format Electric Vehicle Lithium-Ion Batteries / Project Supervisor: Professor Cristina Amon

Lithium-ion battery performance and safety can be negatively affected by the heat generated during charging and discharging. The ATOMS Laboratory team produced an innovative experimental approach to characterize and enhance the thermal performances of novel battery systems. Team members Daniel Lee, John Abellanoza, Noah D’Emilio, and Mitchell Chong, designed and prototyped several cell test rigs and accurately incorporated realistic operating conditions of battery cells in commercial electric vehicles (EVs) and stationary battery energy storage systems (BESS). The team added I-shaped cooling fins to the battery module design to create more equal temperature distribution across the cell and lowering overall temperature by 10% to enable faster charging.

Project Title: Modelling and Evaluation of a Tier-Based System for Grandview Kids Children’s Treatment Centres / Project Supervisor: Professor Vahid Sarhangian

Reducing rehabilitation wait times is a priority for Grandview Kids (GVK), a Children’s Treatment Centre. Using simulation modeling, the Capstone team of Max Beggs, Claire Shaw, and Jose Pablo Siliézar analyzed the effects of a tiered intervention system to improve patient flow. Moving away from the current non-tiered system of assessments and 1-on-1 appointments, the team constructed a simulation model in Python to include Tier 1 Workshops and Tier 2 Group Therapy interventions to provide temporary treatment options to patients. This tiered system was found to decrease queue sizes and wait times by up to 20% and provided evidence-based recommendations to enhance patient flow management and provide equitable access to care for children with developmental delays.

Team ARL-MLS1 (Tiffany Costas, Daniel Roberts, Adli Hijab, Peter James Mason, and Nicholas Bajaikine) won 3rd Place Capstone Design Project Award in Mechanical Engineering

Team Humber River Health (Andrew Barton, Emma Beaumount, Maia Kanceljak and Alexandra Hon) won 3rd Place Capstone Design Project Award in Industrial Engineering

3rd Place Capstone Design Project Award (Mechanical & Industrial)

Project Title: Experimental Methodology For Measuring Propeller Noise / Project Supervisor: Professor Kamran Behdinan

Drones in aviation are noisy and as they are used more frequently, the increase in noise levels is cause for concern. Tiffany Costas, Daniel Roberts, Adli Hijab, Peter James Mason, and Nicholas Bajaikine worked with their ARL-MLS Laboratory client to find a solution. An optimal propeller design is a promising way to mitigate noise pollution and collecting noise data to determine efficacy was the team’s objective. The result was a testing apparatus prototype that measured detailed and flexible propeller noise characterization from many different propeller geometries. This final product offers the flexibility of rapid testing within the lab at a lower cost than the current market alternatives.

Project Title: Emergency Department Resource & Scheduling Allocation to Optimise Efficiency / Project Supervisor: Professor Michael Carter

Project client Humber River Health (HRH) has the busiest Emergency Department (ED) in Ontario and wants to find ways to optimize patient flow and reduce wait times. Team members Andrew Barton, Emma Beaumount, Maia Kanceljak, and Alexandra Hon used simulation technology and data analytics to find solutions. Following an ambulatory patient’s journey until seen by a physician, the team determined that reallocating nurse staffing numbers at different shift stages would reduce time-to-physician initial assessments (PIA), and minimize overall wait times.


-Published by Kendra Hunter on May 16, 2024

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