MIE Master of Engineering students win 1st place at international AI competition


A team of five MIE Master of Engineering students won first place at KPMG’s 2019 Ideation Challenge, a competition that tasked participants to use artificial intelligence to address challenges faced by businesses.

The students – Maharshi Trivedi, Nikunj Viramgama, Aakash Iyer, Vaibhav Gupta and Ganesh Vedula – were among over 600 participants from nine different countries at the competition which took place this past May in Amsterdam. Their innovation, an automated waste sorting system, accurately sorts recycling, organic and garbage with 94% accuracy. Current waste systems have an accuracy of approximately 74 %.

Read more: U of T team wins top prize at KPMG’s international AI competiton, The Varsity


Published August 12, 2019 by Pam Walls, pam@mie.utoronto.ca