UT-IMDI HyperWorks Workshop

Saturday, March 2, 2019

Mining Building, Room 123
170 College St.

Registration required, sign up on the registration page.

HyperWorks (HW) is a powerful Computer-Aided Engineering platform developed by Altair®. It consists of several tools to perform all common structural analysis and optimization tasks, as well as crush, forming, manufacturing, DOE and MDO studies, and much more. The meshing capability of HW is recognized as best-in-class among CAE tools in the market. HW is widely used in automotive, aerospace, biomedical, energy, and electronics sectors to accelerate the design cycle, reduce product costs, and foster innovation through accurate simulations and powerful optimization capabilities.

The focus of this workshop is to provide an introduction to the main tools in the HW package, namely HyperMesh and HyperView, as well as Altair’s built-in solver Optistruct. Together, these tools are used to pre-process, solve, and post-process Finite Element models representing a wide range of analysis tasks. The content of the workshop is intended towards students with little or no prior experience with HW. The interface, tools, concepts, and methods will be introduced by the instructor and the students will have the chance to learn through guided exercises. The workshop will be wrapped up with a mini-project in which students practice the newly learned topics and get hands-on experience on model setup, debugging, and post-processing of the results.