Distracted Walking and Distracted Bicycling: What We Know and Data Needs

Monday, July 9, 2018

MC331 (Boardroom)
5 King's College Road

Pedestrians and bicyclists, much like drivers, have always been engaged in multi-tasking like using hand-held devices, listening to music, snacking, or reading while walking and bicycling. The effects are similar to those experienced by distracted drivers. However, distracted walking has not received similar policies and effective interventions as distracted driving to improve pedestrian safety. On the other hand, while distracted drivers endanger themselves and others, distracted bicyclists, in general present more risk to themselves than to others. Information on distracted bicycling and interventions to address safety related issues is very limited.

The presentation will include the state-of-practice on policies, campaigns, available data, identified research needs, and opportunities pertaining to distracted walking and distracted bicycling. Future challenges and opportunities resulting from self-driving vehicles will also be discussed.

A brief Q&A will follow the talk.

All are welcome.

Judith L. Mwakalonge is an Associate Director of the Center for Connected Multimodal Mobility at South Carolina State University. She holds a Bachelor of Civil Engineering Degree from University of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania along with a Master’s degree from Florida State University and PhD degree from Tennessee Tech University. Her research focuses on distraction, safety and operation of non-motorized and low-powered modes of transportation.