2023 CRAFT Symposium – Academic/Government Registration

Wednesday, February 22, 2023-Thursday, February 23, 2023
all day

Myhal Centre
55 St. George

CRAFT is a collaboration centre between the University of Toronto (UofT) and the National Research Council of Canada (NRC), and is closely associated with UofT’s teaching hospitals. CRAFT enables researchers from academia, hospitals, industry, and government to develop microfluidics- enabled devices and propel them to become breakthrough medical devices and products. We are extremely excited to once again bring together academic researchers, industry, clinicians, and government to facilitate networking and lively discussions on the latest advances in microfluidic-enabled diagnostics, bio-fabrication strategies, and microtissue models. The University of Toronto is proud to host this event on our downtown campus, which is situated at the core of a growing ecosystem of biotech and bioengineering activities in the Greater Toronto Area. The 2023 symposium will be the 16th annual event of its kind at the University devoted to microfluidic technologies. The symposium will include 3 keynote talks, 40+ oral and poster presentations, a networking event, and more!

Registration fee: $245.00 + HST


Registrations are closed for this event.