MARSS 2022 One Day Registration, Two Additional Presentation, Overlength Fee – Up to Two Pages

Monday, July 25, 2022-Friday, July 29, 2022
all day

MARSS, the annual International Conference on Manipulation, Automation and Robotics at Small Scales, will be held in-person on July 25-29, 2022, in Toronto, Canada. The conference is the flagship forum for cross-disciplinary R&D communities to discuss current activities related to manipulation and automation (including measurement and characterization) at micro and nano scales, and all kinds of small scale robots and their applications.

The registration fee covers the following

  • three presentations of accepted papers
    OR three presentations without submitted papers (by invitation only)
  • admittance to the conference sessions
  • lunch
  • coffee breaks
  • proceedings (USB drive)
  • banquet is NOT included


Registrations are closed for this event.