Professor Cristina Amon featured in CBC News opinion piece about trailblazing women in engineering

Professor Christina Amon (MIE) was recently featured in an opinion piece on CBC News about trailblazing women in engineering. In this piece, Dean Mary Wells (Faculty of Engineering, Waterloo) and Dean Suzanne Kresta (Dean, College of Engineering, University of Saskatchewan) reflect on the contributions of six women who completed terms as deans of engineering.

“Cristina Amon’s pioneering research work in developing the field of computational fluid dynamics has had an impact on a diverse range of everyday applications — from how Canadian wind farms are designed and laid out, to heat management systems for wearable computers to help improve human health.

She also transformed the University of Toronto’s Faculty of Applied Sciences into a highly collaborative, multidisciplinary culture, one of the best in the world for biomedical engineering.”

Read the full article, As we mourn École Polytechnique’s victims, let’s also reflect on the trailblazing women in engineering, on CBC News.