Programs overview

The Department of Mechanical & Industrial Engineering (MIE) offers two undergraduate programs (Mechanical Engineering and Industrial Engineering) and three graduate programs (Master of Engineering, Master of Applied Science and PhD).

From left to right: Taleen Kutob (Year 2 IndE) with sisters Dareen Kutob (IndE 1T7 + PEY, MIE MEng 2T2) and Layan Kutob (IndE 1T2 + PEY, MIE MEng 1T4). (Photo courtesy: Layan Kutob)

Undergraduate programs

Our undergraduate students learn the principles of their disciplines by attending courses taught by our world-renowned faculty and gain real-world experience working with companies and organizations related to their fields of interest.

The programs consist of four years of coursework during which time the students complete 600 hours of practical training. Many students choose to spend an additional year taking part in the optional Professional Experience Year program, usually between their third and fourth years of study. Graduates of our undergraduate programs receive a Bachelor of Applied Science degree.

Mechanical Engineering (ME)

Mechanical Engineering students can customize their upper years of study by focusing on two of five areas:

  • Bioengineering
  • Energy & Environment
  • Manufacturing
  • Mechatronics
  • Solid Mechanics & Design

Industrial Engineering (IE)

Industrial Engineering students can customize their upper years of study by selecting technical electives from four areas of academic focus:

  • Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning
  • Human Factors
  • Operations Research
  • Information Engineering
Left to right: Shijie Liu (MIE MASc candidate), Yi (Sheldon) Xu (MIE postdoctoral fellow) and Celine Xiao (MIE PhD candidate) work on an electrochemical cell in their lab. The students are members of Team E-quester, which has earned a $250,000 XPRIZE Carbon Removal Student Award. (Photo: Yong Zhao)

Graduate programs

MIE offers three graduate programs: the professional Master of Engineering (MEng) program and the research-based Master of Applied Science (MASc) and Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) programs.

Master of Engineering (MEng)

  • Prepares students for professional practice
  • Includes coursework and optional research project
  • Full-time program can be completed in one year
  • MEng students who wish to pursue a PhD are encouraged to complete a research project

Master of Applied Science (MASc)

  • Thesis based
  • Research conducted under supervision of a professor
  • MASc students receive funding for up to two years
  • Fast-track to PhD options available
  • Select applicants will be invited to learn more about research at MIE at the Graduate Research Days

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

  • Thesis based
  • Research conducted under supervision of a professor
  • All full time PhD students receive funding
  • Flex-time PhD available for working professionals
  • Work with world renowned faculty and industry partners

Graduate research days

Select applicants of the Master of Applied Science and PhD programs will be invited to learn more about research at MIE at Graduate Research Days. Applicants will be notified if they have been selected to attend.