Viliam Makis

PhD, Dipl Ing, LEL, FISEAM

Professor Emeritus, Industrial Engineering


Research Groups: Quality, Reliability and Maintenance Laboratory and Vibration Monitoring, Signal Processing, and CBM Laboratory

Research Area

Operations Research

Research Interests

Modelling, control, and development of estimation procedures for partially observable systems subject to condition monitoring. Applications in multivariate quality control, maintenance, medical screening, production and inventory control.


Professor Viliam Makis received his PhD from Czech Academy of Sciences in Prague in 1981 and is currently working as a Professor in the Department of Mechanical & Industrial Engineering, University of Toronto.

His research and teaching interests are in stochastic modeling, quality assurance, maintenance, reliability, production and inspection control, with special focus on investigating structural properties of the optimal policies for stochastic controlled systems. His recent research contributions have been in the area of modeling, estimation, and optimal control of partially observable processes with applications in condition-based maintenance and multivariate quality control. He has authored or co-authored 72 research articles published in refereed journals, 80 papers published in Conference Proceedings, more than 100 conference presentations, 3 books as the first author, 6 chapters in books, and 8 IP Disclosures. He successfully completed his Administrative responsibilities as the Chair of the Engineering Science Option: Manufacturing Systems at the University of Toronto in 2004. He has been serving as an editorial member of several reputed journals such as Advances in Operations Research (as an Editor), ISRN Probability and Statistics (as an Editor), Central European Journal of Engineering (as an Editor, Industrial Engineering), Journal of Quality in Maintenance Engineering, and the International Journal of Performability Engineering.

Professor Makis is a senior member of the Institute of Industrial Engineers, American Society for Quality, a member of INFORMS and CORS. He was honoured as a Fellow of the International Society of Engineering Asset Management (FISEAM) in October 2011.